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Search results

  1. B

    2006 sx210 single battery cable connections

    two separate black larger gauge wires and the other tied together thinner gauge wires .
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    SX210 2006 boat cover

    yep on my third. the snow caused it to rip
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    2006 sx210 single battery cable connections

    I have a 2006 SX210 with a single battery. It has 3 red wires together in a red cover. Then I have 3 separate wires that are black. they are of various legnths. It's been several years since I took out the battery.. Need to know if the 3 black wires go to the negative post
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    private lake community that does not allow jet boats

    I own property in a private lake community that due to original rule written 25 years ago do not allow my Yamaha SX210 jet boat on the lake. Does anyone have information that I can take to the home owners association to get the restriction removed and changed to allow jet boats?