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  1. Lspeedss


    Stay calm. Wash your hands..
  2. Lspeedss

    Backing up

    Practice.. Patience... Slowly.... Very small adjustments and time. You too can amaze everyone with your maneuvering prowess.. Oh and start off parallel to the slip from a complete standstill in the beginning. Steve
  3. Lspeedss

    Had a new Boat cover made and not before time ( Boat Cover Update )

    Hey guys, Im interested in where this ended up. Any updates? Very interesting post.
  4. Lspeedss

    We lost a fun Member of our Jet Boating Brother/Sisterhood

    Wow..I had no idea. Like so many l too have been away from the forum for a while. Our thoughts are with the family and prayers to God to bring them understanding and strength. R.I.P Mikey
  5. Lspeedss

    Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

    Him use Big words....
  6. Lspeedss

    Holder of the Scupper Wrenches

    Glad to see this still lives on..
  7. Lspeedss

    Both engines idle rough and then die

    Count me in with the Racors.. Had them for 5 seasons. Peace of mind.
  8. Lspeedss

    NC/Mid Atlantic Gathering in 2015?

    Just say when..
  9. Lspeedss

    What do you do for a living?

    @justason Awesome.. Glad to read this. Im Kinda late to the party... Sorry about that. Steve
  10. Lspeedss

    Tipping...and I'm not talking about pushing cows over!

    Service based on percentage of bill... Better service better tip. Poor service.. Watch out..
  11. Lspeedss

    Do you clean your smoker?

    Never....only the grates get cleaned after every use.
  12. Lspeedss

    Banned from the other site!

    :eek: There's another site?:wideyed::woot:
  13. Lspeedss

    Another successful scupper change out

    Haha.. Don't worry.. I had my scupper for 6 years before I finally made a wrench and did the deed.
  14. Lspeedss

    Another successful scupper change out

    @justason ..About efn time.. Well worth the PITA.
  15. Lspeedss

    Tower Bimini Pre-07 AR230

    @JCampbell ...sounds nice..pictures? Please..
  16. Lspeedss

    NC/Mid Atlantic Gathering in 2015?

    OK I'll just keep my eye on this thread..
  17. Lspeedss

    NC/Mid Atlantic Gathering in 2015?

    Thanks for the Tag Eric.. So is this set up for Gaston on August 7,8,9, 2015.. ? What location on the lake? Steve