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  1. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    But the main question here is “Can you tow the boat” with the tower folded down. Or does the tower need to stay upright and locked in its normal position?
  2. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    Ok so after some consideration I have decided on either the 2018 212x or the 2018 242x. Does anyone know if the towers can be folded while towing? The massive tower/canopy on the 242x might pose some height issues for me while launching and or towing to the lake. I know I have another thread...
  3. D

    Buying a 2018 Scarab

    I am buying a new 2018 Scarab 215! Does anyone have any insight on the engine options? Are the twin 250 really useful or more just a waste of money over the twin 200?
  4. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    Ok so at this point I am pretty set on the Yamaha 212x. Took one for a test ride today and really liked it. I was reading some stuff about the ballast system not filling properly. Like it would overfill and run into the hull....Anyone know if they have fixed this for 2017? Also does anyone know...
  5. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    What about from the transom hooks? I called Yamaha and they said 350 pounds from the transom hooks only? I find this hard to believe
  6. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    How do you like the cleanout ports in the back? Really useful or not that necessary? And what do you guys say is so not refined on them?
  7. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    Do you own a Yamaha? If so which one?
  8. D

    Buying a new Jet Boat

    Ok so I currently own a 2011 Fourwinns 210ss. We are looking to buy a jet boat. I really like both the Yamaha 212X and the Scarab Impulse (Twin 250s). I have a couple of general questions regarding these two boats. Does anyone know what kind of towing capacity they have? I like to pull multiple...