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  1. CAM212SS

    Thrust Vector Question on 2023 FSH 222

    how is it able to ride that high ? isnt the thrust vector designed to ride on top of the thrust itself. since it is spring loaded, it should always be forcing itself down. The water coming out of the pump is 4" or so lower from the cross bracket which is where the thrust vector basically is...
  2. CAM212SS

    Norris Lake property

    I may would be interested... We live about 30 min away from that location. I might drive up there in the next few days to check it out.
  3. CAM212SS

    Underwater Transom lights on X model boats

    I have the same outside lites as you ordered, but added this in the center https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077XJCRSL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 it is really cool with the color change
  4. CAM212SS

    2013 Yamaha 212ss Need help!

    I have the same boat... My drain plug was my culprit. new plug solved my problem. obviously it would only occur when floating for me, but the pressure of the boat sitting in the water made it come in quicker.
  5. CAM212SS

    Another Example to Start Carrying a Gun On My Boat

    do you carry insurance ?
  6. CAM212SS

    News From Yamaha Corporate Rep @ AC Boat Show <March 2022>

    I was at the Knoxville Boat Show this past weekend. Premier Watersports is the Yamaha Dealer here. Basically in the backyard for the Yamaha Vonore TN plant. Not one jet boat was at the show.
  7. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    not sensitive to anything anyone says to me at all pal ... I absolute hate hypocrites like i told Jim_in_Delaware... you can get as many as you want... it does not bother me at all.
  8. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    lets talk about the number of innocent children being ripped about in a mothers womb. that child has no say lets talk about car deaths... you can prevent it... dont drive lets talk about, i cont give a damn if you take 20 shots at one time... dont tell me i have to take it.
  9. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

  10. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    how about you change that to say died "with" Covid... sure there are cases that are soly covid... not sure its a majority, but that will never be reported
  11. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    Saving lives is what this is about, correct I should have the choice to save my own life a 99.3% survival rate is not life or death decision for me to have to inject a foreign substance in my body that i do not know how I will react to it, either now or down the road my point is if you being...
  12. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    why is that my point is what difference does it make if someone is vaccinated or not
  13. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    Everyone points fingers at the non vaccinated causing people to die.. I guess it's ok then, for a vaccinated person to spread the virus to another vaccinated person, and the one they gave it to, die. From what I see with many on this forum, if they were vaccinated, its OK... dont look...
  14. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    so what is the purupose of the mask for those who have the vaccine if everyone gets the vaccine... it will still be status quo to mandate the mask.
  15. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    its not preventable. i personally know several people who have gotten the vaccine and have covid right now neither a mask, nor the vaccine will prevent you from getting it.
  16. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    Edited … Referring to Cuomo on CNN (replaced with CNN) (Cuomo on CNN should not be political… he is a journalist, right ?
  17. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    You have been watching too much CNN… My loved one has the choice to take the vaccine or not. they do not need you to tell me to take, it because i might pass it on to them. If the vacinne is the end all, and it is not, why does not everyone shut up about it. You are fully insured by taking...
  18. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    And there will be another wave and another wave and another wave… Virus’s mutate… and when the virus has been man made, the mutation rate is far more rapid than in its natural state. the Flu (a type of corona virus) has never gone away and it never will… how many future Covid “booster” shots...
  19. CAM212SS

    The Vaccine

    What else would you like your company to make mandatory. (If you were back at the office) Why not mandatory bathrooms combined male and female. Why not mandatory everyone has to eat the same food. Mandatory no carbonated beverages. If you have had one shot or two, it is not the end...
  20. CAM212SS

    Deposit For 2021 Yamaha and still waiting?

    it is taking Plygem, 38 weeks to produce a window now... its just the times we live in