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Search results

  1. N

    2015 AR192 Jet splash

    That was the first mod I did, made a big difference. My jet splash is what is bugging me and the skiers. If I can't get that fixed will have to sell the boat. Just curious if anybody would be interested in a 2015 AR192 with only 12hrs on it loaded with every option and still has 4 years...
  2. N

    Completed Lucky 13 Performance Cone Group Buy - April 1st to 30th 2017

    Does anybody have a picture of a cone installed?
  3. N

    2015 AR192 Jet splash

    We competitive slalom ski and 60ft is the longest we use and go shorter from there. Anything over 65ft you get way to much slack when cutting hard so longer rope is not an option
  4. N

    2015 AR192 Jet splash

    Tried one of those and not the answer for me. Makes it to hard to get tube out of the wake. Need to have a higher towing point at back of the boat and problem would be solved.
  5. N

    2015 AR192 Jet splash

    Just wondering if anybody has found away to keep jet from splashing a tuber in the face without a mile of rope. Like to pull tubes and skiers at 60ft but jet splash is still airborne at this distance and no good for skiing or tubing.
  6. N

    AR192 Performance Chip

    Thanks for the info. Do you know what kind of gains people are getting with these tuners?
  7. N

    AR192 Performance Chip

    Hello. New to this forum. Just wondering if anybody has tried a performance chip and were the gains as advertised? I have been looking at a Magnum Smart Tuning system and would like some feed back.