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  1. jknapp

    Wet and Naughty! LOL Used 210 FSH Deluxe picked up today!

    I just picked up a 2020 Yamaha FSH 210 Deluxe today. Excited but overwhelmed by the by all the little things that need to be done and the other things that I want to do as upgrades. I feel pretty good about the mechanical, engine/hours, and hull integrity, for my new vessel & trailer after...
  2. Sotally Tober

    SOLD Wet Sounds SYN-DX2.3 HP | Wet Sounds 2 Channel High Power Marine Amplifier

    SOLD!!!! Used Wet Sounds SYN-DX2.3 HP | Wet Sounds 2 Channel High Power Marine Amplifier for sale. Was going to add it to our new boat build but life threw a curve ball at us and now parting out. Asking $600.00 $500.00 and buyer pays for TBD Shipping. This is an absolute steal and won't be...
  3. Farny

    Stereo Kicker 400.2 KXMA amp for sale $200 TX

    Kicker KXMA 400.2 Amp - $225 (price drop) 400.2 is perfect for 4 cabin speakers. Had it pushing my Ws Cabin 6.5s really brought them to life. Selling because i sold the boat. Buyer pays shipping.
  4. vikingknut

    Putting a new amp in the starboard bench behind the captains seat

    I've come to the conclusion that I am going to put my new amp in the bench behind the captain's seat in my 2023 AR250. The 10" subwoofer will also be cut and mounted in the same bench. Two questions. 1. Any concerns that I should be aware of? 2. Is there any issue with drilling holes in the...
  5. J

    Battery question concerning audio set up for a newbie

    First off I want to say I’m a literal newb in every aspect of batteries and boating. I’ve got two summers under my belt owning a boat and living on a lake. With that said I have a 2007 Caravelle 210. I am adding a pretty extensive sound system in it this off season. I will have two 12 inch subs...
  6. ellj

    Speaker/Amp Recommendations

    I want to upgrade the audio system on my boat ('16 AR192). I would like something mid-range/mid-price. The Skar stuff (Skar SK65M speakers and Skar Audio RP-75.4ABM 500 Watt amp) has good reviews... but seems too good to be true for the price? I hate spending money twice, so I'd rather not...
  7. okula225

    Speakers sound muffled at High Volumes

    Hey All, Bit of a pickle, my tower speakers sound great when I turn them up to about 75% volume, then when I kick it up to 100% on the potentiometer (I leave the head unit at 100% and just adjust the pots) the sound gets severely muffled and not as loud. When I lower it back down to 50% it will...
  8. T

    Scarab Amplifier not turning on.

    I have a 2014 Scarab 195. I have just purchased it and used it a couple of times. On Friday I took it out and the music was playing fine but then suddenly stopped. The head unit still works and shows songs are playing however with no sound. All settings are set correctly. I then checked the...
  9. Speedling

    Quick battery question.

    So my boat has been running the original batteries since 2008. Time to upgrade. I bought from my local auto parts store two type 27 batteries. One is a starter and one is a deep cycle. I have a Perko switch with 1, both, 2, off. I will put the starter one on 1 and deep on two. Is there any...