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  1. Z

    Rocks :(

    Long story short, I got a little misled by the app I use for navigation/depth. It was a smaller lake so deff understandable, I should have been more cautious. But basically I went into a bunch of rocks like 6 inches under the water, which wasn't visible until we were over them :( The damage...
  2. O

    Maintenance Issue - Alarm won’t turn off 2020 FSH 210

    I was on the water & an alarm went off telling me to service each of my engines. I already had the service scheduled but I ended up doing it myself. Now when I turn my boat on, it just beeps & says starboard engine maintenance due. The Yamaha Connext screen will not let me acknowledge it. The...
  3. S1LV3R4D0

    2019 AR195 Stereo Replacement...Thoughts or ideas?

    Okie doke gang. After a year of dinkin around with the stock setup, ive decided to junk the "obsolete before i bought the boat" Clarion gr10bt head unit. A little backstory for ya. When i bought the boat i immediately went to hitting the source button and low and behold no siriusxm(my fault for...

    Custom diy flooring pics

    Im looking for pics of your diy flooring. Not pre done seadek or hydroturf or whatever kits youve bought and laid down, but actual custom purchased a sheet from amazon or ebay and I did my own with EVA foam or similar. I know there are people out there that have done it, but finding good pics...
  5. V

    Jet drive pickup

    Hi so this is my jet drive that i am going to fit to a 17 ft speed boat with a 1.9 td VW engine if I am assuming correctly the pipe I have circled is the water pickup. My plan to water cool the engine is to use a gas boiler heat exchanger Link. Any advise would be appreciated.
  6. tahmad575

    2005 Yamaha sx 230 Steering Cable DIY HELP!

    Hello All, I recently purchased a 2005 yamaha sx230 jet boat with a broken steering cable. Any links or videos of a detailed "how to" ? I need to replace the broken steering cable but I cant seem to find any info online Any help would be appreciated thanks.