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Maintenance Issue - Alarm won’t turn off 2020 FSH 210


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FSH Sport
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I was on the water & an alarm went off telling me to service each of my engines. I already had the service scheduled but I ended up doing it myself. Now when I turn my boat on, it just beeps & says starboard engine maintenance due. The Yamaha Connext screen will not let me acknowledge it. The touch screen doesn’t work. Is this a touch screen issue or is this a maintenance issue that needs to be cleared? The engines run fine.


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I have a similar issue with my FSH 252 2022. I changed my oil at the 10 hour requirement but can not figure out how to reset the maintenance schedule. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
I reset mine thru the settings / wellness menu. I've never had that maintenance required window show up though.
My issue is the touch screen won’t let me acknowledge it so I can’t even scroll through settings & wellness & what not…
My issue is the touch screen won’t let me acknowledge it so I can’t even scroll through settings & wellness & what not…
I lost my touch ability and was able to scroll and select with the joy stick.
My issue is the touch screen won’t let me acknowledge it so I can’t even scroll through settings & wellness & what not…

You need to silence / acknowledge the alarm first. There is a small icon on the top of the screen that should allow you to silence it then you can navigate the connext
I am touching all over the screen & it won’t acknowledge any touch of the screen. Just constant beeping.
I lost my touch ability and was able to scroll and select with the joy stick.
There’s no joy stick on this one, unfortunately
I have the same issue in regards to the screen not responding to touch input. I can scroll through certain items with the directional arrows at the bottom of the screen, But it will no longer respond to the other icons. I put in a service request about 6 months ago for a new screen. just got an update yesterday that they may "release Production" of the connext screens in late May. For what its worth, doesn't sound convincing that the their supply issues are resolved. I cannot access the wellness menu to update my engine service reminders, so I am probably going to end up with the same alarm with no way to acknowledge or reset it. I asked the dealer specifically if they go by the maintenance interval captured in the connext system to validate warranty claims. He didn't seem to think it would matter as long as receipts and maintenance documentation were in order. Again, for what its worth IDK. I'm thinking of a way to bypass the connext screen if I run into this same alarm issue. I am unsure if the motors depend on the connext interface to function properly.
I have the same issue in regards to the screen not responding to touch input.
I am unsure if the motors depend on the connext interface to function properly.
I'm pretty sure the Connext is just a monitor and reads data from the engines and other equipment. The engines should still fire up and run with the throttles and steering is separate.
Thats what i was thinking as well. I guess i will see once i disable it, if needed of course.
Any update on this one? My 2020 touch screen just started to not respond to touch as well. Also, no joystick, so not sure if I can get to reset or sensitivity adjustments.
Did anyone get a resolution to this? Having the same issue where the screen won’t let me acknowledge to silence alarms
Did anyone get a resolution to this? Having the same issue where the screen won’t let me acknowledge to silence alarms
In order to reset the maintenance reminder, you may need to have the engine running. Mine wouldn't clear and reset the maintenance hours on the trailer, so next time I put her in the water and the engines running it cleared ok.
Same issue here with my 2022 AR190. Top buttons are unresponsive but the lower ones work. I can't find any other way to reset it or cancel the 100 hours alarm. Maintenance is already done.