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drain plugs

  1. kaylix

    Drain Plug Receptacle

    Has anyone replaced the plastic female drain plug on your boat with a metal one? My plastic threads wear easily and I'd really like to upgrade to metal
  2. E

    Cannot "close" engine compartment drain plug

    Not trying to debate whether the plugs should be closed or open when in the water..... For me it's easy since I can't screw in the plug that drains into the bilge from the engine compartment. It is almost directly underneath the forward bulkhead in the engine compartment which means you really...
  3. Betsy Kennedy

    Trying to summarize myself for 1st time

    Trying to save money this year and summarize myself which everyone says is a piece of cake. The guy who winterized put a note in the boat that says to "check all drain plugs before putting the boat in the water." I know to put the plugs in the back of the boat, but would there be any other...