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  1. R

    2017 FSH 190 hard start/miss fire/whining noise

    Hey fellow Jet boaters, It’s been a long road for me as a new Yamaha jet boat owner. I was under the impression that these boats are really well-made and rarely experience issues. I know like anything mechanical anything can happen, but at this point I’m completely confused and upset at this...
  2. Marduini89

    2022 AR195

    What’s up everyone. Just recently purchased my 2022 AR195 and I love it. Looking for some feedback regarding fuel though. I just took the boat down to the marina where it will be staying for the foreseeable future but I just realized all the marinas down in St.Augustine only carry 89 ethanol...
  3. xedelatorre

    Fuel type for supercharged 2015 ar192 engines

    Hey guys, since the 2015 ar192 has a super charged engine, I have a question that has been asked many times before, however, doesnt hurt to clarify, as a diligent reader of my owner's manual, the manual clearly states to use fuel with a minimu octane level of 87, however, it doesnt mention...
  4. Julian

    What type of Gas are you running in your boat?

    As the title says....what type of gas are you using in your boat (mostly) and reply with why if you have an opinion on it! You can choose 2 if you use more than one.