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  1. S

    2012 SX210 won't go over 38

    Hi I have a 2012 SX210 with 1052cc engines. It was doing about 38mph at 8200 rpms. I changed to Solas 14-20 props and now it does the same speed at about 8600 RPMs. I changed the clean out traps thinking maybe they were sucking air but no difference. Prior owner had bottom painted the boat but I...
  2. S

    SX210 won't go over 37

    Hi I bought a 2012 SX210 with 77 hours on it. I'm having 2 problems The starboard engine is saying check engine 2 out of three times when it starts. When i turn it off and restart it, sometimes 2 times, the warning goes away and it runs fine I'm also having a maximum speed of around 37 MPH, even...