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o2 sensor

  1. F

    2019 SCARAB 195G, Single - 4-TEC 200 w/Catalyst, O2 Sensor Replacement Process

    Engine service light appeared (no visible codes on dashboard). I took the boat to my local dealer for a diagnostic. The downstream O2 Sensor is the issue. Recommendation is to "rebuild the entire Catalyst system for $3,300 ish, or do a temporary fix of replacing the two O2 sensors for $1200...
  2. K

    o2 sensor CEL question, port side engine

    hey new to forum, I am having an issue with an annoying check engine light on my boat. the boat is a 2015 AR240 Yamaha. The check engine light and alarm will come on immediately after starting the engine in question. it doesn't matter if I disconnect the batteries, leave them for even a day...
  3. Justin Turner

    New to boating and the forum. Need help!

    Hey guys. New to the forum but I have found it very useful since I bought the boat (last month). I am still digging around so please forgive me if I ask a question that has already been answered. Little background. Bought my boat, 2015 Glastron GTS207 in Willis, TX. I believe it's the 200 HP...