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stereo issues

  1. jknapp

    Wet and Naughty! LOL Used 210 FSH Deluxe picked up today!

    I just picked up a 2020 Yamaha FSH 210 Deluxe today. Excited but overwhelmed by the by all the little things that need to be done and the other things that I want to do as upgrades. I feel pretty good about the mechanical, engine/hours, and hull integrity, for my new vessel & trailer after...
  2. Matty

    '17 212x stereo cutting out

    My stock stereo was working fine until about 5 days ago. It come on, plays for 20-30sec and then cuts out for a few and then "pop" sound and it's back, and repeat. Any ideas?? It's happening on Bluetooth and radio.
  3. austin65

    Multi Zone Control

    I have a 2008 Yamaha AR230 with the following equipment JVC KD-X37MBS Receiver 6 6.5 in boat speakers (two on swim deck) 1 10" Rockford M1 mounted behind drivers seat 4 8" Tower speakers 1 5 channel 750watt Rockford Marine amp 1 4 channel Boss Audio 3700 Watt amp (Not currently installed) 2...
  4. butter-bean

    Stereo sounds like crap when cranked up

    hello everybody i just put a new pyle marine radio in my pontoon any ideas why it would sounds garbled broke up when cranked? my 1st guess was not enough juice so i installed dual battery's, no change so now back to square 1. any ideas?
  5. C

    2020 Scarab 195 ID Stereo Controls not working

    Hello everyone, First time posting here. Anyways, I picked up a 2020 Scarab 195 ID a couple weeks ago. This last time out on the lake the stereo controls at the helm and stern quit working out of nowhere. The main control in the port console still works, but it was really nice being able to...
  6. S

    Please help!

    Always had small boats without a head. This week received my 243 vortex and since I have a wife and five kids the head is going to get used! It’s a dometic and comes with NO instructions. I’ve looked everywhere for a video of how to use this toilet including pumping it out which I know has to...
  7. Wetjet57

    Wet sounds speaker hum

    I installed a pair of rev 10 wetsound speakers with a wetsounds amp. When the boat is not running they sound great, when the boat is running you can hear a humming noise. Doing a little research I thought it was maybe a ground loop so I tried grounding the stereo head to the amp, that didn't...