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  1. lgparra

    2021 AR195 Stereo/Tower Speakers

    Hey Guys! So I've spent hours researching (wow this forum is a fantastic source of information) and watching youtube videos. I only took my boat out once before winter hit, but it is apparent the stock sound system isn't great. Not bad but not really great either in stock form. My current...
  2. Casey_215HO

    Adding tower speakers on 215

    Looking for some help... my 215 HO has the upgraded stereo with 3 amp's etc... but it didn't have the tower speakers. I picked up a set of the factory speakers and have found the wiring in the tower and have them all mounted / connected but I'm getting no audio. Anyone know where the heck...
  3. MrWizard

    Its been a Modtastic weekend!

    Just a few updates.. Picked up the boat from winter storage this Friday and immediately went to work... Step 1: removed old, factory swim deck flooring. Pretty easy, thanks to the DIY steps found on this forum. So big thanks from me! Step 2. Installed Boat Buckles, finally!! Why didn't I do...
  4. Key West Vacation - YouTube

    Key West Vacation - YouTube

    Key West Vacation with My family in our Yamaha Ar 192 Jetboat. Island Hopping and More