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2005 AR230 New to Me - Anchor Light and Bilge Question

@BrandonC_OK, I will look and see if I have the factory stern light pole. It may be in my garage.

How much is the factory replacement?

I would not be surprised if it is an Atwood part.
The 2005 had rubber mounts that held the stern light inside one of the rear storage areas. Its possible the light pole is still clamped in there. I had to replace mine a couple times and it was a standard pole stern light like the one below. 3' to 4' is all ya need.

Light pole bases if you needed....
I looked and did not find my original in my garage. I upgraded to a telescoping LED light pole long ago.
Bruce makes a good point in upgrading to an LED. Incandescent bulbs are prone to their filament breaking when knocked around. Thats 100% of what was wrong with mine a lot. As long as the pole base looks like the one we have posted, you are good to go.
Not sure who made the tower for the AR230, but I was able to get a ropesaver with integrated anchor light for my SX230's Sampson Sports tower.

MUCH handier than the original anchor light - just flip the switch and I'm good to go.

As for length of the original it needs to be higher than the bimini, so put up yours and measure how long it needs to be. I still have it in my boat and will try to remember to measure it this evening.
The Partzilla pics looks like it is foldable. If so, this appears to be similar if not the same for 1/2 price:
Amazon - Attwood Folding 54" Anchor Light

Anyone confirm this looks familiar?

Not that it makes a huge difference but the tip of that light pole looks to be intended for an angled installation while I believe yours is vertical.

I would give this $30 option consideration. If it fits the socket great. If not it is two screws and two wires to install the included base.

I bought a ~$150 LED stainless steel stern light that the electronics rusted out of after eight years. I rebuilt it with a new LED bulb, housing, wire, etc but would not recommend as I expected it to last forever at that price.
Does your engine sound like this? The rattling sounds at idle don’t seem right but I’m new to these engines.

I didn’t find any fuel leaking around the hoses while running the engines. But wiggling one of the hoses caused some to spray out. I noticed one of the hoses wasn’t seated all the way. Might be able to replace the clamp instead of the hoses. What type of clamps are these?


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Does your engine sound like this? The rattling sounds at idle don’t seem right but I’m new to these engines.

Sounds like mine Smooths out with some throttle on the water.
I didn’t find any fuel leaking around the hoses while running the engines. But wiggling one of the hoses caused some to spray out. I noticed one of the hoses wasn’t seated all the way. Might be able to replace the clamp instead of the hoses. What type of clamps are these?

Sort of a crimp clamp. Replace with a good standard hose clamp.
I believe they are called banded clamps. I ordered a set of stainless clamps and crimping tool.
Engine sounds normal. They sound like metal parts are loose until they get in the water. :)
Does it on the water also but seems to stop once water flows through the system ?

Glad I wasn’t the only one worried about it.
Update - I found a folding anchor light on amazing and it appears to be long enough and works fine. It was an attwood brand light.

I also bought a banded clamp tool and assorted clamps. That allowed me to replace the clamp on the port fuel line leaving the tank. It appears that the fuel pump is located in the tank and even after you turn off the engine the lines are under pressure. If I wiggled the line it would spray fuel around the end of the hose. With the new clamp, no more spray. I also don’t think the hoses need to be replaced. We’ll see if the smell of fumes is resolved.

I also removed the tray around the clean outs and dug around in the rear bilge area. Scupper looks ok but I’ll replace this winter. See pic below for items found in the bilge ?

I also replaced the horn with a universal one from Napa for $20. Had to modify the bracket a bit but it works.


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