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2009 SX210 - yes or no?


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Hello- I'm new to jet boats and contemplating a 2009 sx210 purchase. I have friends with newer models who love them.

I'm told the boat is a 2 owner. The first owner barely used it and the second owner did quite a bit work on it. He tells me there's 140h on one engine 180 on the other and that the boat runs great Guessing he replaced or rebuilt? He did say the interior is pretty beat up. I haven't seen pics of that yet.

Anyway at 16k what are your
Thoughts. I've boated a long time but im
completely unfamiliar with jet boats.

Thanks in advance
What engines does it have? I’d want a water test for sure. The 40 hour difference is definitely concerning, I’d just ask him why the difference. And pending how beat up the interior is that may be a pretty large negotiating chip. I’m also one that thinks if you don’t take care of the interior did they even try to take care of the mechanical stuff too?…. When you get pics post them here!
Acard7 I agree. The current seller tells me he's a jet ski mechanic and after purchasing this boat he went through the entire thing and repaired all issues. I'll post some pics soon.
Here are the exterior pics. I haven't received interior pics yet.


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Is this a salt water boat or freshwater? The hull doesn’t look too bad from pics… Bottom of the hull will need looked at better, since I see paint and question if it’s been beached a lot.
Painted bottom has me questioning that. I read that salt water hammers these jet boats. Not sure if that's true or not.
If it has been taken care of while using in salt water it should be okay. A good visual inspection of all the water lines, clamps, etc will show corrosion if it hasn’t been taken care of.
I can see the some of the interior damage from these pics. That’s in poor shape. Those along with the other things mentioned, I would keep looking for a better option personally.
I’m going to add another thought on this after reviewing this post again. Listen to what you’ve been told…”The first owner barely used it and the second owner did quite a bit work on it.” Why would the second owner have to do anything to a boat of which the original owner barely used it? Run, don’t walk, from this deal.
Thanks for the input. I ended up bailing on that one. The interior was trashed. I found a 2017 212 limited s with 282 hours on each engine. It's in great shape. Being that it's extremely cold here, the owners going to drop the boat off a local shop for me. They'll go through the boat for me prior to final payment .


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Thanks for the input. I ended up bailing on that one. The interior was trashed. I found a 2017 212 limited s with 282 hours on each engine. It's in great shape. Being that it's extremely cold here, the owners going to drop the boat off a local shop for me. They'll go through the boat for me prior to final payment .
Great looking boat!