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2013 Yamaha Jet Nozzle different

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Hi All. Hoping someone can help clarify. Bought a 2013 Yamaha 242 limited used. After I got it home and started looking at some items closer, noticed that the Thrust Vector system on each jet was different. One was a XL and the other an XV. Biggest question I would have would be - Do you think this would cause a big difference in maintaining a straight line at low wake? Boat was pretty squirlly at low speed but granted was only out once so far. I did notice a good amount of difference in spray when towing between the two. Probably upgrade anyways and emailed Will about it but thought I would ask here too.

Then looking even closer, it also seems like the jet nozzles are different too. I know the previous owner said an engine and pump was replaced. So it's almost like they bought a full setup used and just bolted it on. The starboard nozzle is clearly different in design. So I assume this boat didn't come from the factory like this. I believe that the upgraded (starboard) steering nozzle is from a newer yamaha that has the bolt on articulating keel but please correct me if I am wrong. Really just looking for guidance on whether I should hunt down the right parts and whether what is on the boat might be the cause of some strange issues - like not being able to back up left.


