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2018 Yamaha 212x —- about to buy need ADVICE

We're actually very pleased with how our boat takes wakes and choppy water. My 18' and 19' I/O Regals were terrible in this area. I was constantly coming down off plane to take wakes, but I rarely back off the throttle with our 212X.

Same here. I have been impressed with how it takes chop. Takes it much better than my last Monterey and better than my brother's current 21' Larson. I do, however, absolutely miss my trim on my I/O. I used that in a ton of situations and that was one huge surprise when I got this boat... no trim!
So, trim tabs simply push the bow down into the waves. Since you have a 242X, couldn't you simulate the trim tabs effect by filling your center locker ballast bag?

Probably would help, as well as telling everyone to sit in the bow. Its just about adjusting the attitude of the hull so it is plowing/cutting the wave instead of bouncing/slapping it. Using ballast for this though is sorta like cutting a loaf of bread with a wood saw instead of a bread knife. :-) I'd rather have the right tools available for the job.
We're actually very pleased with how our boat takes wakes and choppy water. My 18' and 19' I/O Regals were terrible in this area. I was constantly coming down off plane to take wakes, but I rarely back off the throttle with our 212X.

Same here. I have been impressed with how it takes chop. Takes it much better than my last Monterey and better than my brother's current 21' Larson. I do, however, absolutely miss my trim on my I/O. I used that in a ton of situations and that was one huge surprise when I got this boat... no trim!

Interesting that you both had this experience. Definitely not mine. I will give that with my 20' Glastron NOT trimmed down the 212x is as good or maybe better in bigger chop but with the I/O's ability to trim it way down it definitely handled bigger chop way better in this configuration. At any rate its cool you guys are having this experience and cool there is options for myself and anyone else not having that experience.
Same here. I have been impressed with how it takes chop. Takes it much better than my last Monterey and better than my brother's current 21' Larson. I do, however, absolutely miss my trim on my I/O. I used that in a ton of situations and that was one huge surprise when I got this boat... no trim!
Lectrotab tabs.
I use mine every time we go out.

Lectrotab tabs.
I use mine every time we go out.

Ironically enough, I miss the ability to trim out (up), not down so I don't really think trim tabs will satisfy my old lingering I/O habits and ways! :D
I too am looking into a possible 2018 212x purchase. I’d like to hear how well the stock set up generates wake/waves with the new hard tanks and the “surf pointe” system if anyone can weigh in. I hear it over and over in the commercials but haven’t heard too many actual owners chime in. Worth it? No? Also, with the jets angled the way they are, are there any problems with handling? Turns, reverse? etc..
4E13C581-CD7A-4ACF-AE59-F70B97A88887.jpeg @jdedo13 surfpoint in my opinion is a marketing ploy. Not to say you can’t surf with a 212x...as you see with my wake. But adding the appropriate ballast is key. Not pointing nozzles....