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2020 212x center ballast tank overfills and broke my latch.

I had the great Yamaha tech at Irwin Marine in Laconia look at it. He said these bags and their enclosures are a recurring issue for Yamaha, but for some reason they haven’t fixed the terrible design. The pump only tracks cycles, it doesn’t have a sensor to to determine if it’s actually draining or filling.

What happened is during the drain, the bag can cover the drain nozzle and not allow the water to flow. Then when you refill, it overfills and blows through the hardware and locker…unreal.

He then suggested to try velcro on the center line of the bag when empty and run it down the bag, this will keep the bag from sliding toward the stern, and then blocking the drain. He also said to take quick peeks periodically to make sure the bag is actually draining or after the drain process. Obviously we shouldn’t have to do this…but it is what it is.

Warranty covers all this, but there’s no warranty for ass pain of dealing with a busted ballast and driving back and forth to the dealer.

I’m waiting for the warranty parts to come in, but will build a stool shaped barrier for now that will block the ballast bag from hitting the pump.
I hear ya! I always drain that locker bag going about 11mph so the nose is high. Also later in the day after I'm done with wake sports we toss the big wet defaulted tubes in there. So I get a visual check of that bag. I'm not surprised to see the challenges, also disappointing they don't put a sensor like true wake boats have. It'd add maybe $100 to each boat, which people would gladly pay. I also wish they had a separate pump out so you can see when it's empty without having to open the locker. Can't wait for the day my wife gives me the clearance to order a moomba craz.