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210 fsh acting strange on the water.


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Montville, Ohio
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So I’m in northern florida on vacation this week & had an alarming problem with my 2022 210 fsh. I was heading to the jetties to go try for some red fish, but decided the current was moving too fast & the wind made it unpleasant. As I went to turn to head back I was too slow to avoid going over a small debris collection. It was a bunch of small sticks, all about half the size of a 2B pencil. I was able to pull the throttles back to neutral, but after that both engines started running like crap. I couldn’t get on plane, I couldn’t rev above 5k without either engine stalling, it felt like I was trying to pull a parachute or something.

I limped to the nearest dock & tied off so I could safely pop the access ports and check for debris on both sides. I found nothing. The water was too cold to consider jumping in, but I rolled up my sleeve & fished around behind the boat halfway expecting to pull up an anchor. Nothing.

I limped back to the marina I put in at and pulled her from the water. Checked the grates, checked everything around the ports & anything else I could think of. Nothing.

Drove to lunch with my wife & kids, dropped them off & went to a different ramp to see if I could duplicate the same problems. It ran fine until I had stopped for about an hour to fish & when I went to restart one of two things happened: 1 the empty livewell hatch slammed shut, or 2: one of the engines backfired when I started it up. Other than that I was able to scream across the Nassau river & pull the boat out the water without issue.

has anyone else had this happen to them? It’s really difficult to describe, but I think this is the second time this has happened although the first time it went away as quick as it came on.

I’ve burned through over 100 gallons so far with this boat, I have the YES warranty & I don’t keep it in the water. I would like to think that I sucked something up, but both engines were acting erratically. Any thoughts or comments?
Thank you.
yeah im not sure what the thermal switch RPM setting on that engine is... but that scenario can cause cavitation and reduced cooling and as said can often float its way free... Sargassum Grass is noted for this... often tho you can stop.. get the boat moving backwards and shut the engines off and put the levers in forward and the water flowing back through the jets will push the grass out of the gates... Long stringy stuff requires manual clearing as it can wrap around the shaft and impeller and the pump stator veins...
Reeds did this to my FSH in the Potomac after heavy rains last Aug. There was a weed line and I tried coasting thru it with engines off and picked up some reeds and grasses on both engines. Cooling clogged up and got overheat light on both engines and started running like crap. Jumped in and cleaned out the ports and thought I got it all..... small piece of reed (Like a big splinter) was caught at edge of port liner and impeller and was vibrating the heck out of it for the next two days before it worked itself out.

The stringy stuff wraps itself around the shaft and doesn't make it easy for cleaning....... Avoid it like cray cray now when I see weed lines.
Small sticks are usually the biggest issue for me. I usually have to dig deep and pull them out from between the impeller and wear ring.