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210 FSH - Jump Seat Backrests


I've heard it's part of their Salt Series and you have to buy the boat from them to get it, sounds kind of revenue inhibited to me. What do I know, I live about as far away as you can get from them.
Ha ha, but not to worry I live in S. Florida (the home of you can buy anything) I'm sure I can find a local shop that will gladly build a top for me. Just curious what is your top speed on your boat?
Thanks brother
All I can say is wait until Yamaha completely releases the 2019 line up next week and HOPEFULLY there will be an accessory or retro fit for this issue.

I know I am eagerly waiting, if I do decide to keep my boat that is one of the things that I am going to address. Has anyone seen any other pictures of the 2019?
"I know you know" I wish I knew the top speed of my boat. The first time I took it out by myself, it flirted with 49/50 mph, that was 7/1/2016, yesterday with four people on board it was 37 mph. I've posted pictures on this board of 44 mph with 4 people on board with an air temp around 50 degrees. I have given up on trying to figure out what has happened to the speed I once had. On water like glass with just me on board, it barely gets above 40 mph. I've taken the slack out of the throttle cables, made sure the seal in the clean out port is good (no water bypass), filled up the live well to offset the dual battery set up on the port side, nothing gets me anywhere north of 40 mph nowadays.

The only weight I've added to the boat is;
1. Full Seadek kit
2. Axiom 9 Realvision 3D MFD and transducer
3. Dual bank battery charger
4. JBP Thrust Vectors

I'm guessing all total, less then 50 lbs, so what gives???????????????????????????????
BE35AD9C-4E54-41B0-A065-7BDD7FB9CE6A.jpeg BE35AD9C-4E54-41B0-A065-7BDD7FB9CE6A.jpeg BE35AD9C-4E54-41B0-A065-7BDD7FB9CE6A.jpeg 8CD7AD0E-FCA4-4DBF-8075-0A5D0C661774.jpeg 12699D98-E9FA-4F70-9F04-E5D672ACA734.jpeg 886CB481-B6E5-49F3-BA5C-756106D7E9DF.jpeg
Ha ha, but not to worry I live in S. Florida (the home of you can buy anything) I'm sure I can find a local shop that will gladly build a top for me. Just curious what is your top speed on your boat?
Thanks brother

I know I am eagerly waiting, if I do decide to keep my boat that is one of the things that I am going to address. Has anyone seen any other pictures of the 2019?
Here are some pictures of the 2019 fsh 210 backrests.
WOWWWWWWWWWW can i order them already? lol
Ooooh. I’m ready to send my money. Looks nicely integrated. Hope it is an easy upgrade.
I emailed crane interiors about selling the backrest as an upgrade for the 2018 and they promptly responded:


That is a Yamaha decision that has not been made yet to my knowledge--You might check with YMMC.

Crane Interiors sells only to OEM boatbuilders.

Happy Boating!


LeeSolomon Marketing Manager/Crane Interiors, Inc.G&T Industries
I emailed crane interiors about selling the backrest as an upgrade for the 2018 and they promptly responded:


That is a Yamaha decision that has not been made yet to my knowledge--You might check with YMMC.

Crane Interiors sells only to OEM boatbuilders.

Happy Boating!


LeeSolomon Marketing Manager/Crane Interiors, Inc.G&T Industries

I am sure that eventually Yamaha will make it available thru their dealer network to be sold and installed directly by Yamaha dealers.
We need the part numbers thats all...
Wonder if that could be adapted to the space between cushions on the port side of an AR190? Slip the bar between the cushions to make a removable backrest for the passenger?!?!?!?
With that addition it really does make it a convertible boat. You can strip the cushions out and go fishing with your buddies an Saturday. Wash it down, put all the cushions in and take the wife and kids out Sunday. It would be great with the 1,800s in it a cruise of 40 and a top speed of 55 or 60...
With that addition it really does make it a convertible boat. You can strip the cushions out and go fishing with your buddies an Saturday. Wash it down, put all the cushions in and take the wife and kids out Sunday. It would be great with the 1,800s in it a cruise of 40 and a top speed of 55 or 60...
So you are probably describing the 2020 240 FSH Sport...LOL
Looks like they moved snaps to leading edge instead of on top. My barefeet would appreciate that upgrade
"I know you know" I wish I knew the top speed of my boat. The first time I took it out by myself, it flirted with 49/50 mph, that was 7/1/2016, yesterday with four people on board it was 37 mph. I've posted pictures on this board of 44 mph with 4 people on board with an air temp around 50 degrees. I have given up on trying to figure out what has happened to the speed I once had. On water like glass with just me on board, it barely gets above 40 mph. I've taken the slack out of the throttle cables, made sure the seal in the clean out port is good (no water bypass), filled up the live well to offset the dual battery set up on the port side, nothing gets me anywhere north of 40 mph nowadays.

The only weight I've added to the boat is;
1. Full Seadek kit
2. Axiom 9 Realvision 3D MFD and transducer
3. Dual bank battery charger
4. JBP Thrust Vectors

I'm guessing all total, less then 50 lbs, so what gives???????????????????????????????
Be certain that the oil level is not over midway between the high and low marks on the dipstick. Check your air filters to see if their saturated with oil, if so replace your filters. I've been struggling with the same thing this season. Pulled a little oil, replace filters and top end speed was back.
The backrest for 2019 can not be added to 2018 Fsh 210.
Yamaha fiberglass in a aluminum support plate behind the fiberglass to support the backrest.
You would have to add a porthole and fiberglass in a plate to make it work
Be certain that the oil level is not over midway between the high and low marks on the dipstick. Check your air filters to see if their saturated with oil, if so replace your filters. I've been struggling with the same thing this season. Pulled a little oil, replace filters and top end speed was back.

Is that on the water or on the trailer?
Cycle springs are you selling your backrest yet? It looks great on your edition. How about the hard t top?