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A different Perspective

John McLaughlin

Jetboaters Captain
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Ocean Pines Md
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A different take on the shooting at the Baltimore Gazzete.

This was written by Son. It has stuck in my head since I read it. Probably because it hit home. How may times have we passed a co worker whether it be the cleaning team, the mail clerk, the gas dock attendant or another individual in our work place and just moved on with out even a hello or thank you. My deep thanks to my Son for writing such a poignant article.

Yesterday was a shock. I really hadn’t comprehended everything and all I could really say was John’s presence will be missed.
Today I’ve had time to reflect on everything. I was fortunate to spend the day with my brother and nephew, relationships that are deeply personal to me. We cherish them and we never take those familial relationships for granted. Where am I going with this you ask. I only knew John in passing through working with the Baysox. We would say hi. We would say how’s everyone going, you know in that form of questioning that doesn’t really provide an answer. But we knew things were good. And I knew John loved being at Prince George’s Stadium covering baseball. Today though I wished I had gotten to know him better than I did. I took this professional relationship for granted thinking he would be there the next home stand. Well unfortunately he will never make that next home stand.
So please remember to not take those smaller relationships that you’ve cultivated for granted. You might not get that chance to grow it more as I learned yesterday. They’re important and rewarding.
I’ll end this post with what I said yesterday but add something extra, John your presence in the Baysox Press Box will be missed. But I do look forward to that one day where we really get to have that deep conversation.


Jetboaters Commander
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Oak Island, NC
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A different take on the shooting at the Baltimore Gazzete.

This was written by Son. It has stuck in my head since I read it. Probably because it hit home. How may times have we passed a co worker whether it be the cleaning team, the mail clerk, the gas dock attendant or another individual in our work place and just moved on with out even a hello or thank you. My deep thanks to my Son for writing such a poignant article.

Yesterday was a shock. I really hadn’t comprehended everything and all I could really say was John’s presence will be missed.
Today I’ve had time to reflect on everything. I was fortunate to spend the day with my brother and nephew, relationships that are deeply personal to me. We cherish them and we never take those familial relationships for granted. Where am I going with this you ask. I only knew John in passing through working with the Baysox. We would say hi. We would say how’s everyone going, you know in that form of questioning that doesn’t really provide an answer. But we knew things were good. And I knew John loved being at Prince George’s Stadium covering baseball. Today though I wished I had gotten to know him better than I did. I took this professional relationship for granted thinking he would be there the next home stand. Well unfortunately he will never make that next home stand.
So please remember to not take those smaller relationships that you’ve cultivated for granted. You might not get that chance to grow it more as I learned yesterday. They’re important and rewarding.
I’ll end this post with what I said yesterday but add something extra, John your presence in the Baysox Press Box will be missed. But I do look forward to that one day where we really get to have that deep conversation.
I guess is part of our human nature to take things for granted until something bad happens. Your son is right on target! I suggest that all us as a nation need to return to kindness, empathy, respect and civility towards each other even when we just agree to disagree.