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Anchor Needed Yamaha AR210


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I need a new anchor. Boat is used on Lake Lanier. Any suggestions? Thanks as always
Mantus M1. Hands down.
I just bought the Fortress F7 anchor based upon a bunch of positive reviews on this forum, and because if you trim down the post with a grinder (just did super easy) it can fit in the anchor locker. The others mentioned cannot. I boat in lakes.
Mantus M1 for me too. I had a Danforth and that thing would not hook up in any bottom condition. I have an 8lb Mantus on my AR195 and this anchor grabs and holds quick and wont slip or drag. The Mantus M1 DOES fit in the anchor locker on my AR195. I chose not to install the roll bar on the Mantus and it fits right in the factory hold downs. If you flip the Mantus upside down where the roll bar would normally bolt on there are two tabs that fit perfectly into the factory holds in my anchor locker. I have not had an issue with the Matus not hooking up because the roll bar was not installed either. Just lower the anchor into the water by the rode like you are supposed to and you wont have a problem with it hitting the bottom inverted.
Fortress FX-7. It's a Danforth style but I've never had it not grab. Light enough for my 12 year old daughter to deploy, fit in my anchor locker no trimming. 6' of galvanized 5/16" chain and shackles, this thing is a winner. Use a shore spike to hold the stern, and a Danik hook. Done and done.
Add 1 more for the Fortress brand for lakes with mud, sand, silt, and weed beds - I don't anchor in rocky beds. I bought a Fortress G-7, little cheaper than the FX-7 but works just as well. It's so light that when trying to set, I was lowering it slowly and the flukes would land up at the bottom so it wouldn't dig in. Found that dropping the anchor and 4' of stainless chain sinks it right down and then it falls over and grabs. Holds better than my old steel 20lbs anchor and is so light I can toss it like a pineapple.
Forgot to mention that the G-7 is a little narrower across the stock than the FX-7 so it fits in the anchor locker loosely. I added a couple of rubber stops on screws to keep it more snug and some outdoor carpet in the bottom of the locker so it doesn't bang around.