11.5hrs from St Augustine, FL to Beckley, WV. Then 7.5hrs from Beckley, WV to Orchard Park, NY.
Here's the total drive time stats. Have about 30miles and an hour added in around St. Augustine.
Had a couple of scares this afternoon. At one point, car threw a "drivetrain malfunction" warning and went into limp mode. Pulled off on shoulder and got the code reader out. Misfires are #4 and #6. I cleared the codes, restarted the car and drove the remaining 200mi home without issue. Car asked for a quart of oil as we got off the interstate here in NY, might be related, dunno.
Also, found this when I was putting the boat into the garage. Hardware on one side is still there but was completely loose. No idea what precipitated that?!?
Otherwise, as best I can tell, boat and trailer survived just fine. New bunks still don't touch the hull where the others were broken. Also, I think the water in St Augustine has more salt than Destin. Hardware on the boat looks much more corroded than the last two times I've been in the gulf. Also, the anode on the pump has some significant signs of corrosion after being in the water (intermittently with the tide issues) for a week.
Overall, I don't think I would take the boat on that trip again. We only used it a few times because of the tides. A lot of our plans were stymied because of timing of dock access. Ultimately we only went out 3 times. Might have been a few more trips if I could have taken more than 8 people. Had 12 in the house and ferrying wasn't as practical as we thought.
Lots of towing for not much water time. Not really the areas fault or the boats fault, just didn't work out. Still had a good time otherwise and glad we made the attempt with the boat.