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AR195 Surf Setup

Thanks @J-RAD

The kids are as follows:
  1. 14 year old female, 5'3", 105 lbs
  2. 12 year old female, 5'2", 118 lbs
  3. 8 year old female - unlikely to surf next summer and is following the path of #2 (a thicker build)
I don't have any wakesurfing add-ons yet but I plan to purchase RideSteady and also some ballast. For the ballast, I am still considering my options:
  1. Yamaha 19 surf package + FatSac Custom 19 (650lb)
  2. FatSac Custom 19 (650lb) + two FatSac Fat Bricks (155lb each)
  3. FatSac Custom 19 (650lb) + Lead Ballast (200-500 lbs total)
For options 2 and 3, I'd like to get a Yamaha wake enhancer/booster but adding the extra $1k to the above is getting pretty darn expensive.

Thanks for your help and looking forward to the suggestions on boards and ballast options.

Option one should give you the wake booster and two 210lb cubes in the 19ft surf package. Which makes it similar to option 2. I have the 19ft kit and added the 650lb 19ft custom sac. I also have 300lb of steel for when we are light on people or need more weight combo options. The steel is a pia to deal with if you regularly have a good amount of people on the boat and need to pull it out. Plus you have to haul the weight everywhere. I rarely carry all 300lbs of steel any more with the three sacs. The steel is good for tweaking weight though. Ridesteady is amazing. One of the top additions I've made made definitely needed for surfing.
Option one should give you the wake booster and two 210lb cubes in the 19ft surf package. Which makes it similar to option 2. I have the 19ft kit and added the 650lb 19ft custom sac. I also have 300lb of steel for when we are light on people or need more weight combo options. The steel is a pia to deal with if you regularly have a good amount of people on the boat and need to pull it out. Plus you have to haul the weight everywhere. I rarely carry all 300lbs of steel any more with the three sacs. The steel is good for tweaking weight though. Ridesteady is amazing. One of the top additions I've made made definitely needed for surfing.

I agree with these comments.

#1 is Ridesteady for speed control. These 19' boats are very susceptible to speed changes and you need *very consistent* speed to keep a surfer up and happy.

#2 is ballast. Personally, I like Option 1 above because in my experience the Wakebooster device greatly cleans up the wave for surfing. The leading edge is much crisper. Plus, I use the 200lb cubes elsewhere in the boat to even out the wake and shape the pocket. My preference is one in the bow floor, and one on the rear seat (surf side). 650 sac on the transom, centered.

I realize that's a lot of money. I second guessed it all myself. But that's what it takes to reliably surf with these 19' boats.

One final comment - I'm an adult at 190lbs, so I require a bigger wave to surf. Your kids are about half that weight so they can get away with a smaller wave. What you might try is the Ridesteady and the Wakebooster package first. The 200lb cubes might be enough for the kids. After that you can always add the 650 custom sac, if needed.
My 14 yr old daughter surfs ropeless with just the booster, the two 200lb sacks on the swim deck and a couple people in the boat. A couple hundred lbs of steel surf side alongside me at 240lbs stretched the pocket a little too.


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Thanks @J-RAD

The kids are as follows:
  1. 14 year old female, 5'3", 105 lbs
  2. 12 year old female, 5'2", 118 lbs
  3. 8 year old female - unlikely to surf next summer and is following the path of #2 (a thicker build)
I don't have any wakesurfing add-ons yet but I plan to purchase RideSteady and also some ballast. For the ballast, I am still considering my options:
  1. Yamaha 19 surf package + FatSac Custom 19 (650lb)
  2. FatSac Custom 19 (650lb) + two FatSac Fat Bricks (155lb each)
  3. FatSac Custom 19 (650lb) + Lead Ballast (200-500 lbs total)
For options 2 and 3, I'd like to get a Yamaha wake enhancer/booster but adding the extra $1k to the above is getting pretty darn expensive.

Thanks for your help and looking forward to the suggestions on boards and ballast options.
There are a couple directions you can go.

First recommendation, there's the always reliable and very popular Slingshot Coaster. It's the skim style hybrid board that's got a little hybrid flare. Meaning, slightly larger fins and a bit more curve towards the nose than the average skim board. It is an easy board for beginners, easy to control, carries a lot of speed. As riders progress, fins can be removed for a loose skim style ride for learning spins and shuv type tricks. For their size, the 5'0" would be the best recommendation.

The only option I'll have for this will be a 2021 model, which have just debuted. I'm digging the new color scheme. What's new is they're now all constructed in the carbon fiber reinforced construction. This used to be known as the upgraded XR model. They've decided to make it the standard across all the 2021 models. It will be a bit more money than last year, but it's a discounted price from the XR. So a bit of a give and take. They'll hit the shelves the beginning of December. The link is below, the discount code "Coaster 21" will get you or anyone listening a nice pre-order discount.

I certainly wouldn't talk anyone out of a Coaster, but I do think I want to talk you into a Slingshot Cobra Cat. I think your ladies will love it! The Cobra Cat is a true surf style board. While the Coaster handles nice enough, this board, being a true surf style board handles like a sports car. That different mean it's more difficult, it just means it's more responsive. It's just as easy for beginners, it rivals the speed is the Coaster, but it is a more nimble and crisp handling board, it's my wife's favorite board and my favorite surf style. It will progress with your riders towards tight turns, slashes, bottom turns and airs. Remove the rear fin and it loosens up the feel, that's how I like it.

I have just lucked into 2 late delivery 2020 5'0" that my rep informed me landed in the warehouse Monday. I hurried and had him add it to our Dec. scheduled delivery. So they should arrive the first week of December. The 2020's are clearance priced already and can ship out the moment they're recieved. Here's the link.

They're both favorites, it's all a matter of riding style. Every boat needs 2 boards, skim style, and surf style. Maybe 2 if each... and a long board... ?? feel free to ask more questions if you've got them.
@QuakeTen these guys ☝️ above are giving you some great advice on setup.

+1 on the Ridesteady, I'm on my 4th season with it. It is a valuable addition for all watersports.

+1 in the Booster kit. The shaper and small cubes are likely enough to get your kids going. Then invest in the transom 650lb bag as they progress and your bank account recovers. The cubes than then be used to dial in and counter balance the big bag.
J-Rad - what do you have for leftovers on an upgrade from the Coaster I purchased this spring? Not sure if I should play around with the fins or if a new board would be warranted. I got to the point last year where I couldn't complete any 360's and regular riding was getting stagnate.
Seemed like every outing we had this season surfing was a rushed operation... I didn't make any progress on a 360. It definitely helps to ditch some of the fins. When I did get to try I was only running the single rear on the Coaster.

If I were to recommend a 2nd board I would suggest adding a surf style board. The same Cobra Cat I recommended for QuakeTen. The difference in handling is quite different. I think you'll get a kick out of it. Remind me your weight and how is your wave looking on your 212? Pretty dialed? I recommend the 5'0" to QuakeTen but to the wake size of the 195. At 190lbs I can sport the 4'8" behind my 240 with ease. The 5'0" is safe and still handles great!
Seemed like every outing we had this season surfing was a rushed operation... I didn't make any progress on a 360. It definitely helps to ditch some of the fins. When I did get to try I was only running the single rear on the Coaster.

If I were to recommend a 2nd board I would suggest adding a surf style board. The same Cobra Cat I recommended for QuakeTen. The difference in handling is quite different. I think you'll get a kick out of it. Remind me your weight and how is your wave looking on your 212? Pretty dialed? I recommend the 5'0" to QuakeTen but to the wake size of the 195. At 190lbs I can sport the 4'8" behind my 240 with ease. The 5'0" is safe and still handles great!

I'm at 200lbs , 6'0 and my wake is dialed in like a mofo. I know the Coaster is a hybrid, but what does a surf style "feel" like? Faster? Slips more? Help us n00bs!
There are a couple directions you can go.

First recommendation, there's the always reliable and very popular Slingshot Coaster. It's the skim style hybrid board that's got a little hybrid flare. Meaning, slightly larger fins and a bit more curve towards the nose than the average skim board. It is an easy board for beginners, easy to control, carries a lot of speed. As riders progress, fins can be removed for a loose skim style ride for learning spins and shuv type tricks. For their size, the 5'0" would be the best recommendation.

The only option I'll have for this will be a 2021 model, which have just debuted. I'm digging the new color scheme. What's new is they're now all constructed in the carbon fiber reinforced construction. This used to be known as the upgraded XR model. They've decided to make it the standard across all the 2021 models. It will be a bit more money than last year, but it's a discounted price from the XR. So a bit of a give and take. They'll hit the shelves the beginning of December. The link is below, the discount code "Coaster 21" will get you or anyone listening a nice pre-order discount.

I certainly wouldn't talk anyone out of a Coaster, but I do think I want to talk you into a Slingshot Cobra Cat. I think your ladies will love it! The Cobra Cat is a true surf style board. While the Coaster handles nice enough, this board, being a true surf style board handles like a sports car. That different mean it's more difficult, it just means it's more responsive. It's just as easy for beginners, it rivals the speed is the Coaster, but it is a more nimble and crisp handling board, it's my wife's favorite board and my favorite surf style. It will progress with your riders towards tight turns, slashes, bottom turns and airs. Remove the rear fin and it loosens up the feel, that's how I like it.

I have just lucked into 2 late delivery 2020 5'0" that my rep informed me landed in the warehouse Monday. I hurried and had him add it to our Dec. scheduled delivery. So they should arrive the first week of December. The 2020's are clearance priced already and can ship out the moment they're recieved. Here's the link.

They're both favorites, it's all a matter of riding style. Every boat needs 2 boards, skim style, and surf style. Maybe 2 if each... and a long board... ?? feel free to ask more questions if you've got them.

Thanks! I just ordered a Cobra Cat. You talked me into it. :)
Thanks! I just ordered a Cobra Cat. You talked me into it. :)
Great choice! We'll get you taken care of. Thanks for the support!
I'm at 200lbs , 6'0 and my wake is dialed in like a mofo. I know the Coaster is a hybrid, but what does a surf style "feel" like? Faster? Slips more? Help us n00bs!
If you're "dialed as a mofo" definitely the 4'8" will do you. The Coaster is 90% skim board 10% surf. Skim boards by nature are intended to hold when you want it, but loose grip to spin. Surf style boards, like the Cobra Cat, have a lot more grip on the wave. The longer fins give it more traction, while the shape helps it pivot into the wave faster. Running all 3 fins on both boards will give more pumping power. Running just the forward 2 fins will loosen the board up and give the board a little more swivel and allow the board to turn in and out more aggressively. The single rear fin on the Coaster is going to loosen the board further and help get the thing spinning.

I hope this is helpful more than it is confusing.
Hello everyone, this is a great read. I’m new to the forum, and to jet boats in general. We’ve recently purchased a new to us, 2017 AR195. I know it will not be ideal for surfing, however we have no experience on traditional wake surf boats, so I’m hoping we can get our feet wet, pun intended, then possibly migrate to a larger boat after a while. I know I’ll need to plan for ballast, but what about wake booster? I can see they make the wake booster for the 2019 AR195, but do they make it for the 2017? If not, is there another product out there that the forum members can point me towards?
Sorry if this has already been covered, or if I’m inputting my question in the wrong place. Noob at this for sure.
Hello everyone, this is a great read. I’m new to the forum, and to jet boats in general. We’ve recently purchased a new to us, 2017 AR195. I know it will not be ideal for surfing, however we have no experience on traditional wake surf boats, so I’m hoping we can get our feet wet, pun intended, then possibly migrate to a larger boat after a while. I know I’ll need to plan for ballast, but what about wake booster? I can see they make the wake booster for the 2019 AR195, but do they make it for the 2017? If not, is there another product out there that the forum members can point me towards?
Sorry if this has already been covered, or if I’m inputting my question in the wrong place. Noob at this for sure.
The WakeBooster Yamaha makes for the 19’ will not work on prior to 2019 models. However it is really not necessary (as with a single motor the jet wash is minimal) you just need ballast and a steady speed.