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Bad Connext screen. My screen is bad and need to replace it.

Ryan D

Active Member
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Boat Make
Boat Model
242X E-Series
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I have a 2016 242X E Series and need to replace the connext screen. Yamaha wants about 10k so it’s not an option. It still works but it throws audio errors every 5 minutes. A dealer told me it needs replacing. Can anyone please help me or know where I could buy one of a wrecked boat or a generic screen? Many thanks 🙏
I have a 2016 242X E Series and need to replace the connext screen. Yamaha wants about 10k so it’s not an option. It still works but it throws audio errors every 5 minutes. A dealer told me it needs replacing. Can anyone please help me or know where I could buy one of a wrecked boat or a generic screen? Many thanks 🙏
What is the error? It may be an issue with your swim deck stereo.
Yeah it would be helpful to know the error messages. I thought mine was bad on my 2017 212X and the dealer replaced it under warranty. Turns out the problem was the port tach.

FWIW, the new screen was $2k. $10k seems crazy high.