That is a whole thread on batteries. I use AGM batteries, but just a good deep cycle works fine, you just have to be able to get to them to check fluid levels and condition routinely. Shipping a battery is a big cost, so finding one locally will end up being cheaper. Depending on your desire, a group 31 offers the most amp/hour capacity, and a group 27 is next, followed by your stock group 24 battery. I pulled out my stock group 24 in the Nauti Dawg, and installed two group 24 batteries, and never lacked for power combined with a Blue Sea Switch and ACR. But when you combine batteries, they need to be like size and condition. So adding a group 31, that will combine with an ACR when charging, isn't a good idea with your stock group 24. Because the bigger will have more amps to flow to the smaller when they are pretty full, and when drained, the condition is just too far different. Keeping them the same is important if you combine them. But you could just use a big group 31 or 27 for stereo, and keep the group 24 for a start battery, and not use an ACR. Up to you...