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Colonial pipeline

Holy crap guys there was an explosion about an hour ago at the Colonial Pipeline site by my house. Near the area where we had the spill at. I just left my house and there is a huge plume of smoke you can see. I even went several miles away to pick up my daughter from school and you can see it! Reports right now are at least 5 colonial pipeline workers were injured. We've been in a extreme drought here so I'm hoping we don't have a huge wildfire from this as its a very remote woodland area.

O no! From AL.com

Article says 5 miles west of pipeline accident. Could it be a spill?
The local news are reporting its not the same exact site of the spill we had several weeks ago but who knows. There are a lot of lines in the area. They are saying 17 acres burned now in the wildfire. Thankfully it's not windy today and I hope they can get it contained soon and safe;y.
I have not seen anything on the major news sites yet. Keep us posted.
Will do. Hopefully this won't impact gas shortages again. Apparently Colonial subcontractors were flushing out a line today and as they dug into the ground the explosion happened. Colonial has shut down both pipelines running through the area, which means there will more than likely be gas shortages again I'm afraid as the #1 and #2 line are main arteries for the South all the way to the Carolinas. The explosion is about five miles west from the previous leak. I tried to see if the ridge line by my house was glowing from the fire but couldn't see much aside from thick smoke.

Here's more on it http://www.al.com/news/birmingham/i...d_gas_line_explosion_se.html#incart_big-photo
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Oh man not again with the craziness. Think I would rather deal with scary clowns than this again. Gas was finally starting to inch back down around here.

Thanks for the heads up @haknslash
@haknslash ... I hope the fire is put out quickly for the safety of everyone in that area... but am I the only one that is thinking... Hummmm two pipe line disruptions within 5 miles of each other in a matter of weeks.... interesting.. if it becomes a big story ask yourself what the distraction is for?
@haknslash ... I hope the fire is put out quickly for the safety of everyone in that area... but am I the only one that is thinking... Hummmm two pipe line disruptions within 5 miles of each other in a matter of weeks.... interesting.. if it becomes a big story ask yourself what the distraction is for?

The last one didnt become a big story. My left coast friends only knew about it when i shared the info. Same with family in the northeast

Our poor govenor has gone from the 1st gas shortage...he's still manageing hutticane mathew damage...and now this potential....all in a few weeks. and all the press covers is this HB2 matter
It has made CBSnews online, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/pipeline-blast-threatens-gasoline-flow-to-much-of-southeast-again/ . The article mentions that unfortunately one person lost there life and a half dozen injured. The embedded video is long but at about the 20 min mark they get close to the fire.

I fear the injuries would be horrific. Raleigh and surrounding area are going to get hit hard by this. last time it was a weeks outage and the well ran dry. this is going to be several weeks
Looks like they got it put out today!


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