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Cooking Mediterranean Style Food

John McLaughlin

Jetboaters Captain
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Ocean Pines Md
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Been doing some boating but also some cooking. I gotten on this Mediterranean kick. So I have been serving up Mediterranean style food. Two of the dishes were eggplant in a tomato sauce and one other has been Moroccan lemon chicken cooked in a Tagine.
The eggplant in tomato sauce is an easier version of Eggplant Parmesan. Instead of breading the eggplant and sautéing in olive oil it is placed on a layer of the tomato sauce topped with more sauce and Parmesan cheese and topped with another layer of eggplant. The remaining sauce and cheese is then spread over the top. Tent it with foil cook in the oven at 400 degrees for approximately 45 minutes. Take the foil off and cook for another 15 minutes or until the cheese is brown. It is now my go to version for eggplant. After cutting the eggplant be sure to salt the pieces and let sit in a colander to drain the moisture from the eggplant before cooking. Serve over homemade pasta.
As for the Moroccan Lemon Chicken. Saute onions until brown and then add spices of ground coriander, ginger, white pepper, turmeric, Saffron and salt. After browning remove from the pan and brown the chicken. Place the onions with the spices in the Tagine, add chicken broth bring to a simmer and then add back the chicken. Cover with the Tagine cover and cook in the oven for 45 minutes. Remove from the oven ant take the chicken out and set aside. Add dice lemon, slice olives ( I used capers in lieu of olives), and diced parsley. Bring back to simmer and add butter to thicken. Then add lemon rind over the chicken, cover and let sit to absorb the flavors. Serve over rice or couscous.
