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Desert Aire/Mattawa


Jet Boat Addict
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Boise, ID
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Went for my little brothers bachelor party and rented a VRBO. Great place to spend a weekend. Golf course, boating, and nice weather. The boat launch is owned by the county PUD and is super well setup with lots of parking, dedicated spaces to put plugs in and pull transom steaps, and best of all no charge to put in or park.

Theres also a handful of camp spaces at the launch park area. Definitely not 5th wheel or large TT friendly but small trailer or cabovers would fit.

Very few boats using the water on both Saturday and Sunday. If you want to surf run the west side of the river/reservoir. East side was only 8-12 ft depth until you get to the channel on the west side.

Of course I left my phone in the truck. Will add some pics when the guys text me some from the weekend.