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dock line retainer?


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I am looking for a V Cleat that will retain the end of my dock lines when not in use. I am picturing something like a V or Clam Cleat, but it doesn't need to hold any weight. Ideally it will be a plastic cleat/retainer/keeper that sticks on with double sided tape. The purpose is to retain the loose end of the dock lines once I leave the dock. They have a tendency to fall outside the boat. I do not want to disconnect them from the boat because if I pull up at a public dock, I need them to secure the boat while I get dinner.
Maybe I am just not using the right terminology here, but I have searched for Cleats, V, Clam, Retainer, Keeper.
Something like this picture, but with more of a flat base and not made to handle much tension. Plastic is ok. White would be ideal.
Please advise.