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First try at wake surfing


Jet Boat Addict
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Westerville, Ohio
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Tried wake surfing today for the first time. Only problem is we don't have a surfboard. Decided to see if the kneeboard could double as a stand in. Turns out it kinda can. Now we just need to buy a real surfboard. Any suggestions for first-timers but a board everyone can use.image.jpg
I like my hyperlite landlock a lot. 20140707_160811.jpg
liquid fish 5'3"
Has anyone used the O'brien Nalu? Looks to have a good price.
@Chris5105 Any updates on this? I just saw a great price on the O'brien Nalu. I was going to wait later in the season but at this price ($234) I may not if it is a good board. Or should I wait till the winter and pick up a "better" board at a similar price. Anyone?
I was looking at the nalu also. I haven't pulled the trigger on anything though, back to school costs are killing me right now.