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Glastron 2014/15 GT187


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I bought a 2014/15 Glastron GT 187 with a 250 HP Rotax (BRP/Seadoo- or whatever they are called). Have very little boat experience. It recently started giving ‘Low oil pressure’ message after which it goes into limp mode and does @5knts which allows me to get to the ramp but dangerous if the waves change rapidly because I will have little control. I have tried dealerships and repair shops for Seadoo and they have not been much help. The pressure sensors was said to be good?? Also when I start throttling I have to move the lever a fair bit before getting a response.

Please help with any suggestions/check/maintanance of how to get the boat up again. Its at @120 hrs.
Thanks mate, will get in touch. Have seen some of his posts already..
I just noticed, after reading comments here and checked the oil ---levelled the boat, that the oil is overfilled by at least 5mm above the top mark???
Definitely keep that oil at the MID point on the dip stick. Overfilling isn't great on these engines. As you said, levelled, run the boat for 30-45 sec. Let the oil settle for 30 sec then wipe the dip stick, and check the oil.

Note that it's very important to learn certain things on your boat. Please, PLEASE, read the BRP Operator Manual available online. If you don't have it, ping me and i can point you to it.

When running the engine out of water, follow proper flushing procedure, it's important.
1. Engine on.
2. Water on to flush port.
3. Water off.
4. Engine off.

There are major risks otherwise of getting water inside your engine. You should also never run the engine out of water for longer than 2 min. Ideally you can do everything in less than 1 min.

Not sure on limp mode. Any fault codes? They show up in the settings when active.

Sluggishness when accelerating could be many things, the most common is damage to the jet pump. Inspect it through the intake grate. West ring and impeller must be in pristine condition for top performance. Also important, NEVER try and remove that intake grate. The bolts are NOT removable however tempting they may look. Lol
Hi Luc,

Thanks for the comprehensive response🤙. I have also read through some some of your informative contributions on some questions. The elementary mistake i made was to treat it just like a car and try to rely on the dealership. This is in fact when the issue started when I sent the boat for service after a year of perfect 👌 performance. The performance just fell inexplicably after the service...suspect they lost a maintenance guy who knew the boats well...

There are no fault codes coming up except for the 'low oil pressure ' and sometimes it's 'services due'.

I have the manual which came with the boat and a download version..will try to learn as much as I can. The forums are proving very informative.

Again thanks for the notes🤙🤙
Yeah, sadly your story is a common one. Service due light is just an alarm clock based on hours since the light was reset. As long as maintenance is done, it doesn't matter. Low oil pressure of course is an issue. Hard to diagnose remotely. But I'd check the oil filter, and reinstall it. Oil level as you're already doing. If everything looks good, it may very well be the oil pressure sensor (assuming there are no oil leaks).
Thanks, will definitely try to go through the suggestions and fingers crossed may stumble on the cause...:thumbsup: