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Got the call!


Jet Boat Addict
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Wilmington, NC
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Got her home. Three hour drive. First time hauling and backing. All went smoothly. Supposed to be 80 on Saturday. Maiden voyage time.
Be careful with wind! Being a new boater we did not think about checking wind speeds when going out. I can tell you, anything over 15 miles in hour is going to be a very tricky day on the water, especially docking. We have now made it a habit not to go out when wind is over that. Download Windy app because it’s more accurate than just checking your local weather since they are taking readings from land based stations. Just know that if you do go out when wind is predicted, it will be a challenging day to say the least. We wanted to go out this weekend, but wind gusts are up to 30, tomorrow lower, but still not worth going out in.
I would also practice docking out in the water before actually coming back. It can be tricky with wind, tides and the way a jet boat handles. It’s a learning curve for sure, we are getting better, but practicing out in the water will help you see how the boat handles, what it does in reverse, best of luck and have lots of fun in the new boat!