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HELP! 2016 Yamaha 190 FSH Sport Water leaking through bearing housing.


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Boat Make
Boat Model
FSH Sport
Boat Length
Good Afternoon JetBoaters,

I took my boat out yesterday for some wakeboarding and after a few hours, the engine started to sound weird and rattling, also my bilge was spewing out a lot of water constantly.

I put the boat in the water today and water was quickly leaking through my bearing the in the back of the engine bay (See attached video).

I called my repair guy I had in my contacts and he said I need a mid bearing assembly and quoted me around $2200-$2600.

I wanted to get a scope on if this is a fair price to pay for something like this. He isn't apart of a big boat servicing company like cycle springs in Clearwater which is near where I'm located. Im not sure if I should take the boat to him and pay that price or if somewhere like a big boat servicing company will be cheaper and do more professional work. Im also wondering if this is a common issue for other jetboaters and if I did something wrong.

Thankyou all for your help!
Time to replace the intermediate bearing housing and bearings either the seals went bad or the rubber vibration dampening material came loose from the housing
Looks like the housing that the intermediated bearing assembly bokts to is actually leaking where it seals to the bulkhead. Obviously if that is getting replaced, you should put a new intermediated bearing as well.
Motor has to be pulled or at the least moved forward enough to get housings out. Pump also has to be removed as well.
22 to 2600 is probably right on for cycle springs.
I would be less than that but not much more to do that job.