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HELP with Wake Surfing


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242 Limited S E-Series
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I have a 242x E Series I am trying to wake surf behind. So far I have installed a wake wedge and a 400lb ballast bag on the rear surf side swim platform that along with the factory ballast tanks on the boat. We still don't see to get a big enough wave to surf on. Any suggestions?
Need more ballast. here is what I finally came to with ballast weight to achieve the wave in the video.

How fast are you going? The slower you go, the more push you'll get. But, that will also bring the wave closer to the boat. Ideal speed should be somewhere around 10 mph.

Also, if you fill the ballast bag on the non-surf side, you'll have to offset that with additional ballast on the surf side. The boat really needs to list to the surf side.
Still need the 750 on the surf side seat in the cabin. That is why I tell everyone that has a 242X they need a 750 and a 400 minimum.
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Be sure your wedge is trimmed up almost flat. Too much downward force on the wedge seems to kill the wake. One turn too much bite will make all the difference.
Be sure you have a big/long enough board, we use a 5'4" board for beginners. No extra ballets your speed will need to be 9.7 to 10.4 depending on location and number of people in the boat and surf very close to the back of the boat. Without the wedge we would bump into the back corner all the time with the wedge you can be a tad farther back... Try only 40 or 60% in the center ski locker too.

Good luck and keep at it!
Need more ballast. here is what I finally came to with ballast weight to achieve the wave in the video.

Nice wave! We can get similar with 2,000 lbs and boat full of people.
Nice wave! We can get similar with 2,000 lbs and boat full of people.
NICE! ya that video was just me surfing and my wife driving.... I adjust ballast accordingly based on the number of people on the boat. enjoy!
How do I get my hands on a wedge? Any recommendations or a link?