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How do you protect or transport your boards?

That makes mine look like a fish drying rack. Nice design. cam.
Thanks. BTW I learned to swim in the Thompson river!
Think this new addition to my truck will help protect the boards some? :) I also just added a folding hard tonneau cover, but don't have a pic of both

Ran into a bit of trouble getting 2 boards to the lake safely this weekend. So thanks to some of the ideas I saw here I created my own rack for the pickup bed. I just have to add some pipe insulation for padding and it will be ready for next time.

I have a couple of moving blankets that I use to pad the truck bed and keep the board from touching anything.
Think this new addition to my truck will help protect the boards some? :) I also just added a folding hard tonneau cover, but don't have a pic of both

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You'll love the bedrug!!!!

I bought my first one of craigslist, washed it, vacuumed it, then when installing I saw the zipper had galvanic corrosion on it. Called Bedrug sent them a picture and they replaced it free!!!! No questions, no receipt needed. I'm a Bedrug owner for life now!