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How to Tow a Wakeboard

@MrMoose I see perfect pass and ballast in your future if you don't already have them. Now its time for you to show him that dad still has it and keep the fiction of my dad is the greatest and knows everything alive as long as possible ("Well my dad said or did ...."). My kids still remember the day I jumped over their heads and tail tagged a lift pole in the middle of a mogul run right next to them and everyone hears about it on ski trips years later. :) My knees and back told me to never do it again though:( Just don't tell them that;) Now I am expected to try and show them up on the wakeboard as well. Sometimes I succeed and my back is sore. Other times I fail and my back and face are sore and can't see out of one eye (catch toe side trying to land an aerial and lose a contact to top it off). Yes the fiction is dead for for me now but they enjoy having their old man participate with them. Hopefully that lasts forever.