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Hyperlite Premier - Fix or replace?


Jetboaters Commander
Reaction score
Fruit Cove, FL 32259
Boat Make
Boat Model
Boat Length
My boat came with a few toys, one of which is a Hyperlite Premier wakeboard. We affectionately refer to it as "the ugliest board known to man". It makes me think having two eyes is two too many... whoever thought this was a good design should have been fired. :eek: Anyway...

Regardless of it's looks, I've read that it's a decent all-around board and is the larger size, which means it'll work for my "robustness". :) But, the boots are toast. All the rubber bits in the boots are cracked and falling apart... there are literally bits of this thing all over my garage. Is it generally worth it to replace the boots, or am I better off just replacing it with a combo set that has everything?
if you shop around you should be able to find a decent pair of bindings for like 100-150ish....I have a couple pairs and switch them between boards if needed.