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I can hear my bilge pump get on when boat is in storage

Jeromy Gaudy

Jet Boat Addict
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Kentucky Lake
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When I store my boat or even just turn it off I can here a small motor get on/off every 3-4 minutes or so. I think it is the bilge pump. I have tried everything to get it to turn off but nothing. Anyone else have this problem?
2017 Yamaha 212 LTD
When I store my boat or even just turn it off I can here a small motor get on/off every 3-4 minutes or so. I think it is the bilge pump. I have tried everything to get it to turn off but nothing. Anyone else have this problem?
2017 Yamaha 212 LTD
I have a 2020 212s and it's normal for the bilge to cycle since it does not use a float, but senses water by turning on and checking the motor resistance every couple off minutes. Since it's hard wired directly to the batteries it's always on. It sounds like your have the same setup.
Been doing a lot of searching on line and reading in Service manual and User Manual it appears this is normal operation as long as the Bilge switch(dash) in in the on position. I can verify that with bilge switch(dash) ON and main batt switch ON that it will clear water shut off due to no water resistance and then cycle every few min................I have never herd my pump cycle with dash switch off or with main batt switch off. I have never left bilge switch(dash) on with Batt main off

I am starting to suspect that pump could be wired with an additional wire in the (dash switch) that when Dash switch in left ON and the main Batt switch is off it has a direct wire to the batt from the Dash switch. I will test this theory when I get back down to my boat in FL, I am now back up North for 2 months.
Been doing a lot of searching on line and reading in Service manual and User Manual it appears this is normal operation as long as the Bilge switch(dash) in in the on position. I can verify that with bilge switch(dash) ON and main batt switch ON that it will clear water shut off due to no water resistance and then cycle every few min................I have never herd my pump cycle with dash switch off or with main batt switch off. I have never left bilge switch(dash) on with Batt main off

I am starting to suspect that pump could be wired with an additional wire in the (dash switch) that when Dash switch in left ON and the main Batt switch is off it has a direct wire to the batt from the Dash switch. I will test this theory when I get back down to my boat in FL, I am now back up North for 2 months.
Thanks man. Been doing more research and I think mine main be hard wired. When my boat is off but in "float mode" it doesn't do it. Unless water is in there.
But I'm gonna test out your theories today on water. Thanks again
I need more testing also..........my year2013 is the years before the heavy electronics systems came on board. To be honest I was looking at newer Yamaha's with the context system but was a little nervous, and when my 2013 came up for sale with only 23hours on the meter, I jumped all over it because it has a mixture of analog with just a touch of electronics sophistication built into the analog gages.

Even now I look at the 2021 sophistications as a system as needing a few years to work out the bugs before I would purchase. I see the new problems on these systems as a possible Yamaha learning curve or dealers were caught guard with the detailed setup these systems would require........or it could be both!

Have you turned both battery switches off? Mine only does what you are referring to if the battery switches are on.
I am starting to suspect that pump could be wired with an additional wire in the (dash switch) that when Dash switch in left ON and the main Batt switch is off it has a direct wire to the batt from the Dash switch. I will test this theory when I get back down to my boat in FL, I am now back up North for 2 months.
I finally found in my service and user manual a reference on my year 2013 that the Main Battery switch has to remain ON and my bilge switch has to be ON when the boat is in water, this allows pump to test cycle every few min to check for water resistance to remove water if any builds up.

This type of system was obvious designed with more of a trailer boat in mind (pull plug at end of day) and not a boat that might stay in water for long time periods without adding shore power or batt charger. I will keep my stock pump as it works just fine but add a second pump with float switch. Having a second pump, boating off shore in the ocean like I do is probably a good thing.