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Lateral Thrusters High Speed Video Completely Out Of Water

Haaaa well hopefully a few people had the ability to see that I was trying to make you see the obvious and do a little thinking as for your choice of parts I say do what ever you want but here is the real point of my last post.

The obvious issue with boats being difficult to back and control is due to the resistance in the hull design.
Obviously the back of most boats was never meant to lead the hull so you are dealing with a huge amount of drag , thus needing more power or thrust to move the hull backward in the water and obviously the hull is completely in the water experiencing the full drag effect including current resistance when it is being driven backward.
So having the water shoot out and spread out from the bottom opening as Yamaha does has never been an effective way to get a jet boat to steer in reverse.
You obviously need a lot more thrust to move the boat in that direction and you need more focus of the jet water to steer the boat accurately not to mention deal with wind ,current, waves etc. encountered when operating in the real world.

This is why I chose to handle the situation in a different manor , back when I offered the fangs to utilize more of the existing thrust already available to get the job done in a way that people are accustom to as opposed to reducing the forces available.
Also adding in the power steering effect in and enhanced steering in forward as well as reverse to obtain the most features and benefits .
Jet boats are and always have been a challenge in any direction, their lack of steering in all situations has been their Achilles heel .
Most jet boat manufacturers went under due to people not liking the JET BOAT FEEL !
Currently I see that people are purchasing jet boats for a variety of reasons just like prop boats only with less maintenance & less up front cost .
I believe these are a lot more fun once you can steer the boats and feel comfortable behind the wheel once you eliminate the fear in the pit of your stomach from loosing control of the boat unexpectedly while towing skiers, or enjoying water sports or cruising around with total confidence that the boat will respond to your input in the helm allowing you to drive the boat like any other boat .

Jet boats are now being taken seriously by a lot more people And after 16 years of building aftermarket steering for them I believe I have made a contribution to the evolution of the jet boat market.
Also please remember I offer special side force stabilizers for people with my Ultimate steering who want to go the lateral thruster direction, my magnum A K system and my next release will also be cross compatible with my mega fangs or lateral thrusters for your convenience, so I don't have a problem with people wanting those.
That being said I just think the mega fan setup is more for less.
Now please understand I totally expect the trolls to come out when I post things and I usually don't see most of their posts thank s to the ignore option offered on this web page .
I would suggest if you do not agree with my posts perhaps you should put me on your ignore list .

I've driven plenty of bass boats at 60 plus mph. But the first Boston I've ever owned is my AR195. Im not sure why people would think that a Yamaha jet boat is hard to steer or would feel like they would lose total control. I feel once the steering engages it's pretty damn responsive and the squirrely nature is really fun not scary. Everyone that has driven my boat feels the sale way. Maybe just maybe you have a slight bias due to the nature of your business. Will that though make me less likely to buy your product. No I still feel it's a very good product, with lots of positive benefits.
I've been in sales most of my life and make a very nice living as a professional sales person. I will say if I had to sell Yamaha jet boats I would fucking kill it. It would be one of the easiest products I've ever had to sell.