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Let the season start!!!


Jet Boat Addict
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Brooklyn Park, MN
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Out at the lake right now for the fist time this year. Not sure why it took us this long to get out but it's great to be spending time with the family on the boat. Looking forward to another fun filled boating season.

I kept thinking we forgot something as we were heading to the lake but family did good with their part without any issues to start the season. :)




Wishing everyone safe and fun boating season!
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We got a late start to the season too @dansshin But for crying out loud, you must be addicted to this site. put the phone down and get out there with the family ;)

I only say that because I do the same
We got a late start to the season too @dansshin But for crying out loud, you must be addicted to this site. put the phone down and get out there with the family ;)

I only say that because I do the same

LOL, it's after lunch and we are taking a little break before we start the water sport activities again.

My daughter and wife picked up where they left off last season on wake boarding and both got out of the water first time and every time.