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Nautique GS22E electric boat


Jetboaters Admiral
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Orem Utah
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Sounds interesting.

Do these fuel cells require hydrogen refueling infrastructure at marinas and in their supply chain?

If so, that guy that refuses to put out his cigarettes at the fuel docks might encounter a whole new failure mode. Likely would make for some spectacular "boat fail" videos on YouTube.
If they're like the Nikola Badger, then it's a typical EV requiring charging but the hydrogen fuel cell provides extra range. It can double the range or more if you have the ability to refuel.

The Nikola business model is working with states and investors to build infrastructure along trucking routes. Anheuser Busch is a major investor and is essentially leasing trucks to use along the same route their entire life. The lease helps pay for the infrastructure along those routes.

The Company does have an interest in powersports. They have a electric ski called the WAV and the owner goes by the Instagram handle @lakepowelltrevor. So, I'm thinking a joint venture (like the Nautique) will be required to help build it infrastructure to marinas.

Safety wise, the claim is that hydrogen is as safe or safer than other fuel sources. In the event of a leak it dissipates very quickly. BUT I would not want to hang around a boat fire with a hydrogen fuel cell in the middle of it...