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Need electrical schematics for 2005 Yamaha AR210


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Montauk, NY
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Hello. I’m new to this forum, this is my first post. Hoping this community can help me. I’m working on reviving a 2005 Yamaha AR210. Have some electrical issues I’m looking to address and plan on simply rewiring the entire instrument panel and ignition system (if needed). Also need to rewire the stereo system. She’s been sitting for a while and we live in a saltwater environment. She’s been reasonable well cared for but dad’s gotten old and has been unable to keep up with the maintenance he always DIY’d. I’ve moved back into the area with the family and would love to see the ol’girl back in the water for the kids.

Have a shop manual I purchased online but nothing electrical related was included. While I follow up on that, I’m hoping you all can help me. I appreciate your time reading and any help you can offer. Thank you!!!