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New PerfectPass system

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate your experience with the system and the potential sound issue. I guess we’ll see if I’m bothered by that soon, at least I hope to get my boat delivered soon.
You're welcome! I hope we all get to be on our boats enjoying them soon.
I wouldn't say it's important but, it's nice. As these engines are known for their higher pitch being that they run at a higher RPM you can hear the resonance when they're off from one another. Some aren't bothered by it, some are and mess with the binacles to get them to match up while driving. It's just a OCD distraction. The E-series models with the e-throttles do sync with one another all other models don't. I wasn't highly concerned with it but, I would mess with them while cruising to get them to match up.

Since adding the Ridesteady, I love that the little annoyance is gone. The boat still handles the same. The system disengages at wakeless speed so it still maintains independent control at the dock. If for whatever reason you wanted independent throttle control at speed the system will only be able to match RPM within a certain percentage offset.

Anyway, it's a great bonus if you ask me.

I’m one who it irritates... it’s a toss up between that and the drone on my Ram when it goes into MDS mode and drops 4 cylinders... I can hear it and it’s like nails on a chalk board to me... the funny thing is to kill the “resonance” the rpms aren’t dead on... and that doesn’t bother me.. it’s the damn noise lol.
Starting to think I made a poor choice by including Perfect Pass in my new boat (2019 212X) purchase rather than Ridesteady. The dealership installed the Perfect Pass system a couple of weeks back and has been struggling to get it working correctly. I went down to get the boat two weekends ago, but the techs were seeing check engine lights as soon as they went for a test ride. Unplugged the PP system and all was fine. At least I got to go out for a familiarization ride with the family with the PP system unplugged. Absolutely in love with the boat and very disappointed that I couldn’t bring it home. PP sent a new control unit, but still having problems. New cables are on the way now from the PP team. If it doesn’t get resolved this week, I’m planning to have the dealership send back the PP unit and order a Ridesteady unit to replace it.

I’ll let you know how things go...currently disappointed to say the least.


Well after about three weeks and a number of component swaps, the dealer tells me that the folks at Perfect Pass have thrown in the towel. They can’t figure out why their system isn't working on my boat. They recommended trying another manufacture’s system. I‘m praying that the Ridesteady system is truly plug‘n’play. I need that boat!
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I just would feel more comfortable when making a sizable investment like this to be dealing with a company that has been in the boat speed control business for over 20 years with upwards of 90,000 existing customers

We'll this should give jet surfer (the OP] something to think about (if he ever signs in again)

Well after about three weeks and a number of component swaps, the dealer tells me that the folks at Perfect Pass have thrown in the towel. They can’t figure out why their system isn't working on my boat. They recommended trying another manufacture’s system.

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Surdyke Yamaha in Osage Beach, MO. Sure sounds like they worked closely with PP to get it working. Just couldn’t get there.
Your dealer called yesterday. We'll work with them to make things go as smoothly as possible.

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on the electronics supply chain. We're currently sold out of shippable inventory, but hope to have another lot late next week. It's going to be an interesting year, to say the least.
Well, it’s been a while because the weather has been so crappy since the dealer delivered the boat. I was finally able to go water test today. I’ve been really stressing because of the dealer issues with the Perfect Pass system. I was worried that there was something funky about the control system on the boat.

I am so geeked about the Ridesteady system and my new boat! The system was so easy to use. I set it to a variety of pre-set speeds for surfing, boarding and cruising. I also made small on-the-fly adjustments to see the effect on the wave. Everything worked perfectly together. No CEL codes, just a smooth, integrated system. Did I mention that I love my new boat? Of course, we’re still in the honeymoon period...
Glad to hear it's working well. Waiting for some good weather and an open ramp to go play with mine. So many new toys this winter to break in.
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Well, it’s been a while because the weather has been so crappy since the dealer delivered the boat. I was finally able to go water test today. I’ve been really stressing because of the dealer issues with the Perfect Pass system. I was worried that there was something funky about the control system on the boat.

I am so geeked about the Ridesteady system and my new boat! The system was so easy to use. I set it to a variety of pre-set speeds for surfing, boarding and cruising. I also made small on-the-fly adjustments to see the effect on the wave. Everything worked perfectly together. No CEL codes, just a smooth, integrated system. Did I mention that I love my new boat? Of course, we’re still in the honeymoon period...

It's great to hear that everything went smoothly, thanks for following up @Aqua Jetaway ! :)
Surdyke Yamaha in Osage Beach, MO. Sure sounds like they worked closely with PP to get it working. Just couldn’t get there.
Largest Yamaha dealer in the Midwest’s, or st Leary the LOTO area.
great news on the boat!
