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New Toy just added to the arsenal of summer fun...

I ordered one of these last year and its still in the box, hoping to use it soon , http://www.amazon.com/WOW-Sports-12...sbs_468_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0YRPNNGKX4KS5FRGZWEY

Which one did you order....oh, the inflatable! :angelic:
Im thinking I may need to invest in an additional anchor for the SM when not in use.... or since I ordered an nice 12v pump I guess I could deflate it and store in the ski locker when not in use. I am not keen on leaving something behind if I can help it and on the 192, there is no room to place it other than on the bimini. What do you do when you are not using yours?

We keep it deflated in ski locker (or just in the cockpit) when not in use on the days we take it out. On a typical outing, we will tool around & explore, then when the kids get antsy, we will inflate the SM and tube for a while. We keep SM inflated and anchor at sand bar with SM either tethered to boat's stern or on its own anchor (I always have at least two anchors on board, anyway). When we are ready to leave sandbar, we often will tube again, then after tubing I will pull SM up onto swim platform to drain out (quite a bit of water will invariably get between the SM's outer cover and the inflatable bladders inside - but no known leaks in 4+ seasons of use). Once it is mainly drained, I will deflate it. Typically, we would do so as we are about ready to head in.

I am sure others have different approaches, but that is our SOP.
We inflate and deflate as needed on day trips and only leave them anchored and inflated when we are camping. The temptation is just to great for a lot of people to pass up. Most big tubes cost around $300. I wouldnt leave $300 actual dollars unattended so I wouldn't leave a tube worth as much either. I don't even like leaving my anchor on buoy if i can avoid it. I have a box anchor that came with my used boat but the replacement cost is over $100 so I secure it like I would $100 bill.

IMHO, the bigger tubes are too heavy (@60+ lbs.) to stowe inflated on the Bimini top. I've put a 3 person flat tube up there without problems but the other tube like the BM or the hos from costco tend to be taller which creates other issues when stowed on the Bimini.
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Well it arrived and heavy is an understatement. I thought maybe it would weight 20 pounds dry and thinking 40 to 50 wet, heck no, that thing is 47 pounds dry so now I see what you guys are saying. I saw it has a quick deflate so it will get stuffed int he ski locker when no in use. If we are going to sit in a cove it will be tied to the boat and if I drive with it, I am hoping it will loop onto my tower tow point and lay on the stern deck. That thing is freaking HUGE!

I did buy the AirHead 12v inflator and a 12v outlet with alligator clips so it will hook direct to the battery. I will also use that outlet for my Tsunami pump for ballast, the wiring on the factory outlet is a bit light for those applications I think.
Inflating and deflating it gets old but the tube is great for lounging so once it's blown up, if it's not going to be used and we want to boat I will bring the front end on to the swim deck as far as possible and tie it off there. It works a lot better than letting it drag in the water empty, the result of which is a very expensive and heavy kite. If there are any witnesses, well a lot of times they just enjoy the show at your expense.
Well it arrived and heavy is an understatement. I thought maybe it would weight 20 pounds dry and thinking 40 to 50 wet, heck no, that thing is 47 pounds dry so now I see what you guys are saying. I saw it has a quick deflate so it will get stuffed int he ski locker when no in use. If we are going to sit in a cove it will be tied to the boat and if I drive with it, I am hoping it will loop onto my tower tow point and lay on the stern deck. That thing is freaking HUGE!

I did buy the AirHead 12v inflator and a 12v outlet with alligator clips so it will hook direct to the battery. I will also use that outlet for my Tsunami pump for ballast, the wiring on the factory outlet is a bit light for those applications I think.

My box ( Chariot warbird 3 ) had a team lift sticker on it, no joke it is about 65 pounds dry.....about 70+ wet.
We have the Big Mable and use about 65' of rope. 50' was still in the spray and 65' is only occasional spray.
The SM is awesome! Even more fun but what a workout when in chariot mode. To answer my question of carrying it, I have carried it all weekend wet and dry on the Bimini with no issues. I would not attempt it on a non tower boat but it works great up there. A little more wind drag but other than that easy use and access.
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Well,...it looks a bit funny, but I guess it works. Never considered doing that with mine. We always deflate and throw on the floor under the front cushion. Let's see some pictures of that tube in action.
We were out on Saturday any the water was 61 deg...but my son's friend as determined to tube so we put him out there. 50 feet of rope is definitely too short for these boats but I have two ropes so we tied them together. We went with the Airhead G force tube and the Airhead pump. I can't really give a review on the tube yet since it was so cold we were going slow to keep him as dry as possible. After about 10 minutes his hands were numb so we called it. Maybe next month the lake will warm up enough to put that tube into action in the right way.