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No problem surfing behind Yamaha AR192

Are the wakes that lame on these jet boats that you really need to add hundreds of lbs of ballast etc?

I wouldn't call the wake on my new boat lame, but it needed more weight to make it bigger......Here is a picture of the bag I used in my old AR192, the stock bag in my Moomba and the new wave maker :winkingthumbsup" All boats require ballast and some require LOTS of it.IMG_3471.JPG
Are the wakes that lame on these jet boats that you really need to add hundreds of lbs of ballast etc?[/QUOTE
Thanks to all that already answered this and the simple answer is yes any boat will need weight to produce a wake for surfing even if you spend over 100k for a boat that is made to produce the wake. The thing about jet boats is that not only can they produce a good wake for surfing they are more flexible then just a boat designed to surf behind.
CWB Ride (2016) update. The boat is home and the board doesn't fit in any storage compartment. Thinking it's a sign, new boat?
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CWB Ride (2016) update. The boat is home and the board doesn't fit in any storage compartment. Thinking it's a sign, new boat?
