For information sake, After doing much research over the years, I have found that no matter where you go to get your information on oil changes and spark plugs you will find varied opinions, even from the professionals.
Oil: Many will say, change your oil in the Fall to prevent the oil, which can become acidic from summer use, from sitting in your engine all Winter.
Many will say, change your oil in the Spring to rid the moisture that has accumulated over the Winter.
Many will say, change your oil in the Fall and again in the Spring for the ideal prevention of acidic and moisture content.
The bottom line: Change your oil at least once a year at a minimum. I have never heard, in all my research of a major problem because they chose one over the other.
Spark plugs: Many will say, the spark plug ring must be replaced when removing the spark plug for cleaning to ensure proper torquing and seating when replaced.
Many will say, they have removed and cleaned spark plugs without replacing the ring and never have had a problem by doing so.
The bottom line: research and educate yourself and form your opinion based on others and your personal experience.
On this site alone, you will get varied opinions on how often to change your spark plugs.
Some will say ,change when your engines start running rough and they get several years from a set of plugs.
Some will say at least once a year, because of possible difficulty getting the plug out due to not changing.
Have some gone years without changing with no problems at all? Yes
Have some have the spark plug break when removing because rust has formed? Yes
So who is correct?
Most of our manuals will say remove, clean and inspect your spark plugs at least once a year or based on hours used. Based on the information available, only you should choose how often you want to change your plugs. Just know the why and when you should and take into account the experience of others.
Fogging: Not sure I even want to bring up that can of worms.
Back to the OP's question
@cbus. Either way will work.
Now I will tell you what I do and why: This does not make my way any better than the next guy in line. It will only give you insight for you to make your choose.
I change my oil in the Fall and I change my plugs yearly in the Spring.
I change the oil in the Fall because after being confused when to do it, I felt the acidic nature was more important than the little bit of moisture I may accumulate over the Winter, but most of all by changing in the Fall, that is one less thing I have to do in the Spring when all I want to do is get out on the water.
I change my plugs yearly, because I personally, have been frightened by the nightmare stories of broken off plugs in the cylinder heads. (for me it is less stressful, knowing I can get the plug out successfully. I am willing to pay the price now for new plugs rather than chance that costly repair that could occur).
I do fog. (I do not want to get into why you should or shouldn't) but I choose to. Because I choose to, I also choose to burn off as much fogging oil as possible on the old plugs before replacing with the new ones. Do I have to do it that way? Thats debatable, and I am not hurting a thing by doing it that way.
I have been doing it this way for 4 years and these are facts that I have noticed and I will pass onto you.
Prior to changing plugs, my boat runs a little rough. I run my engines on the hose and than let them cool. I replace my plugs and restart the engines. I can actually hear a better running and smoother sounding engine.
Now the choose is yours on how you want to proceed. Which ever way you choose, I am sure it will be correct for you.