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If I was out patrolling on the water looking for DUI, those colors would would be a flag for a potential violator. I'm not an officer but any time I see those colors and dreadlocks my first thought is weed.

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Interesting, because my first thought of dreads and these colors in an image (like the OP’s) is Reggae. But, in the 80’s, I was a Bob Marley fan.

If I was out patrolling on the water looking for DUI, those colors would be a flag for a potential violator. I'm not an officer but any time I see those colors and dreadlocks my first thought is weed.

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Thanks for the comment but 1) IF we were to get stopped, I would have no issues. 2) I guess it is all about the perception, but a cat in reggae clothing to me is not a red flag. Its about the music.
So just a little update, Its growing on my wife a bit due to the comments we are getting from other boaters, it has been all positive. Now some people can be just being nice but the ones who have taken the time to talk to us about it seem genuine of their complements.
Cool, glad you both like it now!

Going back to you first picture, I bet if you showed us the entire back end of the boat it probably wouldn’t look as busy as just the cropped picture.

Cool, glad you both like it now!

Going back to you first picture, I bet if you showed us the entire back end of the boat it probably wouldn’t look as busy as just the cropped picture.


Took your suggestion and took some new pictures this weekend. This is not to try to get more to like it but to show it in a different setting.IMG_2450.jpegIMG_2459.jpeg