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Poor Man's Version of Duck Ala Orange

John McLaughlin

Jetboaters Captain
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Ocean Pines Md
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Instead of duck I used a young chicken and cooked it on the MAK 2 Star. I dry brined it under the skin, inside the cavity and on the skin with sea salt and pepper for two days in the refrigerator. I then stuffed the cavity with sliced oranges, orange peels and onion and place little pieces of butter under the skin. Before cooking I brushed it with olive oil and Herbs de Provence and throughout the cook based it with that mixed plus orange juice. I smoked it for about a half hour at 175 then raised the temperature to 350 and finally 400 to finish. The orange sauce was made with freshly squeezed orange juice, brown sugar, oranges, onion and butter. It was brought to a boil and ultimately reduce so it was the consistency of a syrup. The potatoes were soaked in water for about 4 hours then drained and tossed with EVOO and herbs consisting of salt and garlic. They were roasted at 400 for about an hour
